Our wide selection of carefully selected local companies offer a wide variety of transport options suitable for all budgets from economical shared bus rides to chauffeur services.
Prices includes fixed fares, taxes & gratuity with no hidden costs. You will receive confirmation of your booking via email confirming your trip details.
The day of your trip, your transport will be waiting for you for a simple, stress-free journey to your destination.
Straight forward
driver was waiting with a clear sign. No hold ups or problems.
Valutazione servizio : Segnalo la capacità della Sig.ra Graciela Pascale dell'operation departement di risolvere un problema presentatosi dopo la prenotazione del viaggio.
Prodotto : Nonostante la località fosse poco accessibile e poco conosciuta, l'autista si è mostrato disponibile nell'accompagnarci a destinazione.
Valutazione servizio : Segnalo la capacità della Sig.ra Graciela Pascale dell'operation departement di risolvere un problema presentatosi dopo la prenotazione del viaggio.
Prodotto : Nonostante la località fosse poco accessibile e poco conosciuta, l'autista si è mostrato disponibile nell'accompagnarci a destinazione.
53 minutes approximately
48 Miles approximately
78 Kilometres approximately
This map and route are for information purposes only, with no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. The transport company retains absolute discretion to choose the route to your destination. Distance and travel times are only indicative between origin and destination points.
The fastest way to get to Понте де Лима will be with a pre-booked taxi or minibus waiting to whisk you off on arrival.
The most economical way to travel to Понте де Лима is by bus. Shared transport options will be more budget friendly as you will be sharing the travel with other passengers.
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