Как добраться в Manaus, Amazonas, Бразилия
Какое расстояние до Manaus% от...
Nearest airports from Manaus | |
Аэропорт Манаус (MAO) | 8.15 Km |
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Наши доброжелательные водители сделают все для Вашего комфорта вне зависимости от того, что Вы предпочтете: индивидуальный трансфер на роскошном автомобиле с личным водителем или доступный групповой трансфер на микроавтобусе.
Какое расстояние до Manaus% от...
Nearest airports from Manaus | |
Аэропорт Манаус (MAO) | 8.15 Km |
ShuttleDirect Manaus отзывы
Drivers were on time and helped with the baggage.
Drivers were on time and helped with the baggage.
Left stranded at the airport by a no show at 10:30 at night. The whole reason one pays more for a transfer is to make your arrival hassle free. There is also no means to complain on the shuttledirect website. No email address for customer service, no refund policy or means tto address issues like these Only way to deal is with an expensive international call.
Left stranded at the airport by a no show at 10:30 at night. The whole reason one pays more for a transfer is to make your arrival hassle free. There is also no means to complain on the shuttledirect website. No email address for customer service, no refund policy or means tto address issues like these Only way to deal is with an expensive international call.