Punto di partenza sconosciuto. Controlla la lista e seleziona un'opzione tra quelle suggerite.

Destinazione sconosciuta. Controlla il valore e seleziona tra i risultati suggeriti.

Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

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Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

Specifica l’età del bambino.

Bagagli aggiuntiviFine

Ciascun passeggero può portare un bagaglio di dimensioni standard più un piccolo bagaglio a mano (una borsa o un computer portatile, per esempio). Se si trasportano bagagli extra, colli di grandi dimensioni o attrezzature sportive, bisogna selezionare una delle seguenti opzioni:

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Viaggio di andataFine
  Data dei partenza
Marzo 2025
  Ora di partenza

Indica a che ore vorresti che ti passassero a prendere


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

Andata e ritornoFine
  Data dei partenza
Marzo 2025
  Ora di partenza

Indica a che ore vorresti che ti passassero a prendere


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

    Tranfer Shuttle Direct da/verso Kargiçak

    • Tariffe basse

    • Risparmia tempo e denaro

    • Affidabilità

    • Comodità

    Tipi di transfer e di veicolo

    Sia che preferisca il lusso di un transfer privato con un conducente personale, sia che scelga la convenienza di una navetta collettiva dall'aeroporto, i nostri autisti ti porteranno sempre a destinazione con un sorriso.

    Transfer privato con con conducente:

    • Noleggio privato con con conducente:
    • Servizio da Porta a Porta
    • L'autista ti viene incontro personalmente
    • Veicolo esclusivamente per te

    Trasporto condiviso Shuttle Service

    • Servizio di Bus Navetta
    • Trasporto condiviso
    • Punto di ritrovo prestabilito
    • Servizio navetta o equivalente

    Valutazione dei clienti verificata e indipendente

    Feefo logo

    Recensioni di ShuttleDirect

    Mr T from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Driver was awaiting at our arrival airport. Our private Transfer Van was fantastic, beautiful leather seats, air conditioning, wi fi and 50 inch plasma tv with You Tube, it was the best transfer we have ever had. Driver was courteous and stopped for toilet break if needed.
    Our return transfer was also prompt with a clean Minibus and a/c, although not as luxurious. Great service overall

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Driver was awaiting at our arrival airport. Our private Transfer Van was fantastic, beautiful leather seats, air conditioning, wi fi and 50 inch plasma tv with You Tube, it was the best transfer we have ever had. Driver was courteous and stopped for toilet break if needed.
    Our return transfer was also prompt with a clean Minibus and a/c, although not as luxurious. Great service overall

    Herr A from Sweden
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Fantastic economy van, big seats, tv,free WiFi and drinks on board. Traveled from Antalya to Alanya

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Fantastic economy van, big seats, tv,free WiFi and drinks on board. Traveled from Antalya to Alanya

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Although I could not fault the service for my airport pick up, which was speedy and professional, the return transfer was very disappointing. Firstly, it was 15 minutes late. Also, the vehicle did not have sufficient seat belts and finally the driver had to stop for a cigarette break on route.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Although I could not fault the service for my airport pick up, which was speedy and professional, the return transfer was very disappointing. Firstly, it was 15 minutes late. Also, the vehicle did not have sufficient seat belts and finally the driver had to stop for a cigarette break on route.

    Ms R from United Kingdom
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Booking experience was good.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    The transfer was not waiting for us when we arrived, so we had to speak to other operators and get them to call the company and find out where they were. Eventually someone arrived, and we got in a car. We drove for about 5 minutes and were then moved onto a mini bus. The mini bus had about 8 other people on it and we dropped all of them off first. This would have been fine but one couple seemed to be unsure about where they were going so we drove around for quite a while and the driver was asking people on the side of the road where to go (I think this is what was happening, it was all in Turkish). The whole transfer took over 3 hours, much longer than we had expected. Overall not a great service. The transfer from the hotel back to the airport was also not great, it turned up over an hour late so we were concerned about missing our flight!

    Hr A from Germany
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Service-Bewertung : Hat es lange gedauert bis wir der fahrer fanden hat sich nicht kenntlich gemacht.
    Produkt : Der fahrer kam zu spät könnte die angegebene Adresse nicht finden.

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Service-Bewertung : Hat es lange gedauert bis wir der fahrer fanden hat sich nicht kenntlich gemacht.
    Produkt : Der fahrer kam zu spät könnte die angegebene Adresse nicht finden.

    Herr E from Sweden
    Servizio di prenotazione Shuttle Direct

    Servicebedömning : There was no transfer comming and no one answered the Phone! !!!!! I want my monte back and you to par my taxi bill! Your a scam comming!
    Produkt : When we wanted back to the airport a Child answered the Phone and just talked crap. . What the fuck is this? So we got a total taxi bill of 520 lira and your bill for the transfer that Didnt existed! You Will pay me back and you Will reply to me or God knows what!!!!!!!

    Servizi della compagnia di trasporto

    Servicebedömning : There was no transfer comming and no one answered the Phone! !!!!! I want my monte back and you to par my taxi bill! Your a scam comming!
    Produkt : When we wanted back to the airport a Child answered the Phone and just talked crap. . What the fuck is this? So we got a total taxi bill of 520 lira and your bill for the transfer that Didnt existed! You Will pay me back and you Will reply to me or God knows what!!!!!!!