Punto di partenza sconosciuto. Controlla la lista e seleziona un'opzione tra quelle suggerite.

Destinazione sconosciuta. Controlla il valore e seleziona tra i risultati suggeriti.

Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

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Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

Specifica l’età del bambino.

Bagagli aggiuntiviFine

Ciascun passeggero può portare un bagaglio di dimensioni standard più un piccolo bagaglio a mano (una borsa o un computer portatile, per esempio). Se si trasportano bagagli extra, colli di grandi dimensioni o attrezzature sportive, bisogna selezionare una delle seguenti opzioni:

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Viaggio di andataFine
  Data di arrivo del volo
Marzo 2025
  Ora di arrivo del volo

Inserisci la data e l'orario di arrivo (non di partenza) del tuo volo così come comunicati dalla compagnia aerea. L'autista terrà in considerazione il tempo necessario per prendere le valigie ed espletare le formalità di entrata nel Paese.


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

Andata e ritornoFine
  Data del volo di ritorno
Marzo 2025
  Ora di arrivo del volo

Inserisci a data e l'orario di partenza del tuo volo così come comunicato dalla compagnia aerea. L'ora di partenza del transfer sarà calcolata tenendo in considerazione il tempo del tragitto e quello del check-in in aeroporto.


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

    Aeroporto di Southampton (SOU) Transfer da e per l'aeroporto con Shuttle Direct

    • Tariffe basse

    • Risparmia tempo e denaro

    • Affidabilità

    • Comodità

    Low-Cost Transfers from Southampton Airport

    We don’t just look after you, we also look after your bank balance. Our services are not just competitively priced; what you see is what you pay. No surprise surcharges or booking fees will hit you.

    When you step into arrivals, there are lots of transport options – most of which are bad. From the unreliable Southampton Airport taxis to the transfer companies that make you pay an arm and a leg, sometimes it feels like you’d be better off walking. Shuttle Direct is here to change all that. Our service is of the highest standard, and our prices are as low as possible. Whichever of our Southampton transfers you end up choosing, you will be glad you did so. We have private transfers for people who want to travel in luxury. We have shared rides to travel efficiently. We have a shuttle bus to boost your budget. And, if you want to go your own way, we even have limited car hire options. Get a quote today.

    Arriving at Southampton (SOU) Airport

    Welcome to the South Coast. Let us get you to your accommodation safely and directly, so that you can start your holiday on the right foot.

    Transfer privato economy
    Transfer privato luxury
    Bus, taxi, suttle

    Transfer privato con con conducente:

    • Noleggio privato con con conducente:
    • Servizio da Porta a Porta
    • L'autista ti viene incontro personalmente
    • Veicolo esclusivamente per te

    Trasporto condiviso Shuttle Service

    • Servizio di Bus Navetta
    • Trasporto condiviso
    • Punto di ritrovo prestabilito
    • Servizio navetta o equivalente

    Suggerimenti per viaggio

    Visit England’s South Coast City

    Being a port city, it’s no surprise that the sea is of great importance to the locals. The Titanic set sail from this port, and you can read about its history at the SeaCity Museum. If you happen to be in the area in September, you can enjoy the annual Southampton Boat Show, which is unmissable for anyone with affection for seafaring. For those who want a bit more culture, the Mayflower Theatre is the biggest venue outside of London in Southern England, and it plays host to a range of theatre hits. For some exercise, you could pay a visit to the stunning Riverside Park or take a walk along the walls of Old Town, built in the 14th-century to protect the city.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What happens if I lose my email confirmation? If you can’t find your confirmation mail, don’t worry, all you need to do is visit our website and log in to the “My Booking” section. From here you can use your confirmation number to either resend the email or print out the booking. If you don’t remember your confirmation number, please contact us via our web form with the details of your journey, i.e. date of travel, destination, and name. We can then reissue your confirmation number to your email address.