Punto di partenza sconosciuto. Controlla la lista e seleziona un'opzione tra quelle suggerite.

Destinazione sconosciuta. Controlla il valore e seleziona tra i risultati suggeriti.

Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

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Devi selezionare almeno 1 passeggero adulto.

Specifica l’età del bambino.

Bagagli aggiuntiviFine

Ciascun passeggero può portare un bagaglio di dimensioni standard più un piccolo bagaglio a mano (una borsa o un computer portatile, per esempio). Se si trasportano bagagli extra, colli di grandi dimensioni o attrezzature sportive, bisogna selezionare una delle seguenti opzioni:

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Viaggio di andataFine
  Data di arrivo del volo
Marzo 2025
  Ora di arrivo del volo

Inserisci la data e l'orario di arrivo (non di partenza) del tuo volo così come comunicati dalla compagnia aerea. L'autista terrà in considerazione il tempo necessario per prendere le valigie ed espletare le formalità di entrata nel Paese.


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

Andata e ritornoFine
  Data del volo di ritorno
  Ora di arrivo del volo

Inserisci a data e l'orario di partenza del tuo volo così come comunicato dalla compagnia aerea. L'ora di partenza del transfer sarà calcolata tenendo in considerazione il tempo del tragitto e quello del check-in in aeroporto.


Seleziona gli orari.

Seleziona i minuti.

    Aeroporto di Exeter (EXT) Transfer da e per l'aeroporto con Shuttle Direct

    • Tariffe basse

    • Risparmia tempo e denaro

    • Affidabilità

    • Comodità

    Low-Cost Transfers from Exeter Airport

    We don’t just offer budget-beating prices, we offer certainty. With us, you know what your transport will cost. No surcharges. No booking fees. What you see is what you pay.

    It’s easy to feel that when it comes to travel, your options are limited. Not so when you travel with us. Our passengers have a range of options that are comfortable, affordable, and reliable. Our Exeter Airport bus will shuttle passengers along a pre-determined route, making it easy to hop off at popular transport hubs. This option ensures you spend as little as possible so that you can spend more on what really matters. If you want a more direct and private ride, we have a chauffeur-driven option that is pure comfort and luxury. Alternatively, with our shared Exeter Airport taxis you can also split the cost of the ride and save some of your hard-earned cash in the process. Finally, we have limited car hire options for those who prefer to go their own way. Get a quick quote today.

    Flying to Exeter (EXT) Airport

    Avoid the hassle and stress of not knowing how you will get to your destination. Our Exeter Airport bus and door-to-door rides offer peace of mind and the best way to start a successful trip.

    Transfer privato economy
    Transfer privato luxury
    Bus, taxi, suttle

    Transfer privato con con conducente:

    • Noleggio privato con con conducente:
    • Servizio da Porta a Porta
    • L'autista ti viene incontro personalmente
    • Veicolo esclusivamente per te

    Trasporto condiviso Shuttle Service

    • Servizio di Bus Navetta
    • Trasporto condiviso
    • Punto di ritrovo prestabilito
    • Servizio navetta o equivalente

    Suggerimenti per viaggio

    Discover History in Devon

    Nestled in Devon county, this is a city with a thriving student population. As a result, the nightlife is fantastic, and there are lots of exciting activities like kayaking down the river and hot air balloon rides. This city has a long and storied history with several attractions that will excite history buffs. The Gothic cathedral, which dates back to the 12th-century, is an incredible sight from outside and within. One of the most popular attractions is the series of medieval underground passages that run underneath the city. For more than just a dash of culture, the RAMM Museum is packed with over 8000 pieces of fine art. Everything from the Tudors to Romans even African pieces are on show. This is a city that has something for everyone.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How will I find my driver? When you book with us, we do more to make your travel experience as easy as possible. After booking, we will email you a personalised voucher containing all your travel details, a 24-hour contact number for our local support team, and instructions on how to navigate the terminal to go directly to your waiting driver. Please print out this voucher and keep it with you. If you have any problems locating your driver, simply call the support number on the voucher and we will assist.