Kościerzyna: Arvustused

Reaalsete klientide kontrollitud hinnangud transfeeridele, mille lähtekohaks oli Kościerzyna. Kontrollitud klientide sõltumatud hinnangud. Loe ja võrdle reaalsete klientide arvamusi ja hinnanguid Lennujaamatransfeeridele.

Broneeri oma transfeer, mille lähte-/sihtkohaks on Kościerzyna arvustused Feefos arvustused eKomis arvustused Google'is
Ms K from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Very easy to use

Transpordifirma teenus

Driver was waiting at arrivals, very polite, and spoke excellent English...

Mr I from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

The website was very easy to use and we are very happy with the results, we were going to use the bus and train but am glad we took this route.

Transpordifirma teenus

The Driver was waiting when we arrived with a clear sign that we could easily see.
He drove well and helped with the baggage at both ends, he spoke little English but that wasnt a problem we communicated well. On the return journey he was nice and early very jolly and helpful with getting us to the airport and the right entrance on time