Ladiko: Arvustused

Reaalsete klientide kontrollitud hinnangud transfeeridele, mille lähtekohaks oli Ladiko. Kontrollitud klientide sõltumatud hinnangud. Loe ja võrdle reaalsete klientide arvamusi ja hinnanguid Lennujaamatransfeeridele.

Broneeri oma transfeer, mille lähte-/sihtkohaks on Ladiko arvustused Feefos arvustused eKomis arvustused Google'is
Fr. U from Germany
Rhodes Port - Ladiko(Economy)
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Super toller Service pünktlich freundlich super toller Kundenservice am Telefon

Transpordifirma teenus

Alles super Note 1. Immer wieder gerne

Hr. J from Germany
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Super pünktliche Abholung

Transpordifirma teenus

Sehr guter Transfer, freundlicher Fahrer

Mr M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Very good service and friendly customer service. The only difficulty I faced was finding the company office in the airport, I think a representative with a sign standing at the arrival section would really help.

Transpordifirma teenus

Very good service and friendly customer service. The only difficulty I faced was finding the company office in the airport, I think a representative with a sign standing at the arrival section would really help.

Mr M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Good honest pricing and easy to book

Transpordifirma teenus

Good honest pricing and easy to book

Mr M from Germany
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Kurze Wartezeit, cooler Fahrer, schnell am Hotel!

Transpordifirma teenus

Kurze Wartezeit, cooler Fahrer, schnell am Hotel!

Frök K from Sweden
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Fungerar mjt bra och billigare än taxi

Transpordifirma teenus

Billigt, bra, och fått bra bemötande

Hr. H from Norway
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

We landed before schedule and some difficulties to find a driver with our name until we dicovered an office where our name hang. After that all was OK. The driver was nice and we had a safe journey to our hotel

Transpordifirma teenus

We landed before schedule and some difficulties to find a driver with our name until we dicovered an office where our name hang. After that all was OK. The driver was nice and we had a safe journey to our hotel