Nice'i lennujaam (NCE): Arvustused

Reaalsete klientide kontrollitud hinnangud transfeeridele, mille lähtekohaks oli Nice'i lennujaam (NCE). Kontrollitud klientide sõltumatud hinnangud. Loe ja võrdle reaalsete klientide arvamusi ja hinnanguid Lennujaamatransfeeridele.

Broneeri oma transfeer, mille lähte-/sihtkohaks on Nice'i lennujaam (NCE)
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    22 arvustused Feefos arvustused eKomis arvustused Google'is
Mrs M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Excellent service . On time.

Transpordifirma teenus

Excellent service . On time.

Herr E from Norway
Nice'i lennujaam (NCE) - Antibes(Premium Economy)
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

De var punktlig, god service med koffertene og veldig behagelig bil og hyggelig sjåfør.

Transpordifirma teenus

Veldig behagelig bil og sjåfør

Mr M from United States
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Met us at customs exit as promised. Courteous and informative at all times.

Transpordifirma teenus

Met us at customs exit as promised. Courteous and informative at all times.

Mr M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Efficient service. Exemplary Driver. Completely recommend. Good pick up from Terminal on inbound, perfect and early pickup from address for outbound. Can't speak highly enough.

Transpordifirma teenus

Efficient service. Exemplary Driver. Completely recommend. Good pick up from Terminal on inbound, perfect and early pickup from address for outbound. Can't speak highly enough.

Mr M from Canada
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Purchase was well worth it. Very tired after several connecting flights and was comforting to know that your transport was already arranged. Thank you, Shuttle Direct!

Transpordifirma teenus

Purchase was well worth it. Very tired after several connecting flights and was comforting to know that your transport was already arranged. Thank you, Shuttle Direct!

Mr M from Finland
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Kyydin lisäksi tarjottiin vettä ja lapsille tikkarit - matka sujui näiden ansiosta nopeasti vaikka ei ollutkaan kovin pitkä

Transpordifirma teenus

Kyydin lisäksi tarjottiin vettä ja lapsille tikkarit - matka sujui näiden ansiosta nopeasti vaikka ei ollutkaan kovin pitkä

Herr L from Sweden
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Bra o pålitlig service, trevliga chaufförer o sköna bilar
Rekommenderas varmt

Transpordifirma teenus

Bra o pålitlig service, trevliga chaufförer o sköna bilar
Rekommenderas varmt

Mr M from Saudi Arabia
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Driver was great. He worked hard to get us as close as possible to our accommodation in a pedestrian area. Thanks mate!

Transpordifirma teenus

Driver was great. He worked hard to get us as close as possible to our accommodation in a pedestrian area. Thanks mate!

Mr M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Very friendly and helpful

Transpordifirma teenus

Very friendly and helpful

Mr M from Australia
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Their service was excellent Will certainly use Shuttle Direct for all of our airport transfers

Transpordifirma teenus

Their service was excellent Will certainly use Shuttle Direct for all of our airport transfers

Mr M from Sweden
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Worked smoothly without problems.

Transpordifirma teenus

Worked smoothly without problems.

Fr. R from Switzerland
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

The service was ecellent. Very nice driver and on time. A other time we will take you again

Transpordifirma teenus

The driver were exellent very friendly and on time. Super

Ms M from Ireland
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Very good value and a very professional service

Transpordifirma teenus

Very good value and a very professional service

Mr M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Reliable and friendly.

Transpordifirma teenus

Reliable and friendly.

Fru A from Norway
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

On time, serviceminded, safe. Very happy with the service, merci.

Transpordifirma teenus

Easy, no problems...........

Mrs M from United Kingdom
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Good value compared with other providers.

Transpordifirma teenus

Good value compared with other providers.

Fru H from Norway
Nice'i lennujaam (NCE) - Antibes(Premium Economy)
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Hele opplevelsen var veldig positiv. Sjåføren var serviceminded og hyggelig. Bilen var behagelig å sitte i.

Transpordifirma teenus

Hele opplevelsen var veldig positiv. Sjåføren var serviceminded og hyggelig. Bilen var behagelig å sitte i.

Ms M from United States
Nice'i lennujaam (NCE) - Nice(Premium Economy)
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Excellent value! Could not have gotten a taxi at that time.

Transpordifirma teenus

Excellent value! Could not have gotten a taxi at that time.

Mr M from United States
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Prompt and very professuonal

Transpordifirma teenus

Prompt and very professuonal

Mr M from United Kingdom
Nice'i lennujaam (NCE) - Cannes(Premium Economy)
Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

Telusnt and professional service

Transpordifirma teenus

Telusnt and professional service