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  Pealevõtu kuupäev
Märts 2025
  Pealevõtu kellaaeg

Palun sisesta soovitav pealevõtu kuupäev ja kellaaeg


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  Pealevõtu kellaaeg

Palun sisesta soovitav pealevõtu kuupäev ja kellaaeg


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    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha Raudteejaamatransfeerid Shuttle Directiga

    The driver was the best one we had in our 2 weeks in Europe. He was easy to find, spoke great English, offered us some of his own money to use the restroom, looked up our flight to determine the correct terminal to take us to and told us how to proper...

    Mr V W, kelle elukoht on United States

    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha Raudteejaamatransfeerid Shuttle Directiga3.6573%
    Score from 6 independent comments by

    Transfeerid ja sõidukite tüübid

    Pole tähtis, kas eelistate isikliku autojuhiga luksuslikku privaattransfeeri või taskukohast lennujaamabussi, meie sõbralikud juhid annavad endast parima, et toimetada teid ukseläveni rahulolevatena.

    Privaatne economy-klassi transfeer
    Privaatne lux-klassi transfeer
    Buss, takso, süstikbuss

    Privaatne transfeer koos juhiga

    • Erasõiduk koos juhiga
    • Uksest-ukseni teenus
    • Juht kohtub teiega isiklikult
    • Sõiduk ainult teile

    Jagatud sõit süstikbussiga

    • Süstikbussi teenus
    • Jagatud sõit
    • Eelmääratud kohtumispunkt
    • Süstikbuss või sarnane

    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha - populaarsed sihtkohad

    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha   Madridi lennujaam (MAD)
    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha Madridi lennujaam (MAD)
    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha   Madrid
    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha Madrid

    Madridi rongijaam - Atocha: Reisisoovitused

    Sõltumatu tagasiside kontrollitud klientidelt

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirecti arvustused - Madridi rongijaam - Atocha

    Hr. S from Denmark
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    The chaffeur contacted us 15 min before arrivel at the Atocha station and told us the practical things about the meeting point. We found him at once... Polite and smiling, took the luggage to the car. The car was clean and with fresh odeur.
    The ride was smooth and enjoyable. So we are very saticefied.

    Transpordifirma teenus

    The chaffeur contacted us 15 min before arrivel at the Atocha station and told us the practical things about the meeting point. We found him at once... Polite and smiling, took the luggage to the car. The car was clean and with fresh odeur.
    The ride was smooth and enjoyable. So we are very saticefied.

    Sr. R from Spain
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    Coche y conductor excelente, rápido y puntual

    Transpordifirma teenus

    Coche y conductor excelente, rápido y puntual

    Ms M from United States
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    You pay extra for convenience and well worth it.

    Transpordifirma teenus

    You pay extra for convenience and well worth it.

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    The driver was on time, professional, neatly dressed, and drove safely. We were very happy with the service.

    Transpordifirma teenus

    The driver was on time, professional, neatly dressed, and drove safely. We were very happy with the service.

    Mr V from United States
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    very easy to use

    Transpordifirma teenus

    The driver was the best one we had in our 2 weeks in Europe. He was easy to find, spoke great English, offered us some of his own money to use the restroom, looked up our flight to determine the correct terminal to take us to and told us how to properly navigate the Madrid airport.

    Mrs M from United States
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    No one was there to pick us up. We searched all over the train station for driver before having a local guy call the company for us. They stated there was some mix up and they sent someone to pick us up.

    Transpordifirma teenus

    No one was there to pick us up. We searched all over the train station for driver before having a local guy call the company for us. They stated there was some mix up and they sent someone to pick us up.

    Mr Z from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Directi broneerimisteenus

    They contract out to local cab companies. They take their fee and take no responsibility at all for no-shows. I will never use their service again and will urge others not to risk it.

    Transpordifirma teenus

    The driver never showed up and Shuttledirect accepted the driver's version that we never showed up despite the fact that we presented evidence to the contrary (including phone records showing that we tried calling the local company... we were answered twice by a non-English speaker who just put the phone down on us).