Descubre la ciudad italiana de Bérgamo

Nuestra gran selección de empresas locales cuidadosamente seleccionadas le ofrece un amplio abanico de opciones para el transporte que se adaptan a cualquier bolsillo, desde los económicos traslados en autobús, hasta los servicios de chófer.
Los precios incluyen tarifas fijas, tasas y propinas sin gastos ocultos. Recibirá la confirmación de su reserva por correo electrónico, donde se incluirán los detalles de su viaje.
El día de su viaje, su transporte le estará esperando para ir a su destino de forma sencilla y sin contratiempos.
Perfect service. Our driver was on time and clearly visible to us. He was smart, very polite and helpful. The vehicle was new condition, clean, and a high-end German manufactured model.
The online booking was fast and efficient.
This is a short journey. However, after a long flight we wanted to make the transfer as simple as possible.
Our driver was waiting clearly visible. He was parked close to the terminal and helped with the luggage.
The service was everything we had hoped for and the driver was very polite and courteous.
I recently booked two transfers and found the booking system was straightforward. Both our drivers from Milan Airport to the Lake Maggiore and from Bergamo to the airport were punctual, smart and courteous and each had excellent comfortable cars for an economy booking. This would be a five star review but when our hotel receptionist in Bergamo called the contact number on the booking confirmation on Sunday morning to advise that due to a large fun run that the arranged pick up point was closed to vehicle access she was met with an abusive response and questions as to why she was ringing so early (at 08:30 am!)...
I recently booked two transfers and found the booking system was straightforward. Both our drivers from Milan Airport to the Lake Maggiore and from Bergamo to the airport were punctual, smart and courteous and each had excellent comfortable cars for an economy booking. This would be a five star review but when our hotel receptionist in Bergamo called the contact number on the booking confirmation on Sunday morning to advise that due to a large fun run that the arranged pick up point was closed to vehicle access she was met with an abusive response and questions as to why she was ringing so early (at 08:30 am!)...
10 minutes aproximadamente
4 Millas aproximada
7 Kilómetros aproximada
Este mapa y esta ruta tienen fines meramente informativos y no garantizan su exactitud y exhaustividad. La empresa de transporte tiene libertad total para elegir la ruta a su destino. La distancia y la duración del viaje entre los puntos de origen y de destino son orientativas.
La forma más rápida de ir a Bérgamo es mediante un taxi contratado previamente o un minibús, que le estarán esperando a su llegada.
La forma más económica de ir a Bérgamo es mediante autobús. Las opciones de transporte compartido son más económicas, puesto que viajará con otros pasajeros.
Regístrese y le enviaremos las mejores ofertas.