How to get to Maltepe, Marmara Region, Turkey
What is the distance to Maltepe from...
Nearest airports from Maltepe | |
Istanbul - Sabiha Gökçen Airport (SAW) | 13.63 Km |
Istanbul Airport (IST) | 48.88 Km |
Nearest train stations from Maltepe | |
Istanbul - Bostancı Railway Station | 5.37 Km |
Istanbul - Haydarpasa Railway Station | 13.27 Km |
Istanbul - Sirkeci Railway Station | 17.39 Km |
Nearest ports from Maltepe | |
Port of Istanbul - Galataport | 17.62 Km |
Port of Barbaros | 141.76 Km |
Very easy and very good
Mr M S from France