Ursprung okänt. Kontrollera värdet och välj mellan de föreslagna resultaten.

Destinationen okänd. Kontrollera värdet och välj mellan de föreslagna resultaten.

Du måste välja åtminstone 1 vuxen passagerare.

  • +-

  • +-

Du måste välja åtminstone 1 vuxen passagerare.

Vänligen ange barnens ålder.

Extra bagageKlar

Varje passagerare får ta med sig ett standardbagage och ett mindre handbagage (till exempel en handväska eller bärbar dator). Om du har ytterligare bagage, eller extra stort bagage eller sportutrustning, välj från alternativen nedan:

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  Flygets ankomstdatum
  Flygets ankomsttid

Ange datum och tid för ditt flygs ankomst (inte avgång), som ditt flygbolag har informerat dig om. Chauffören kommer att beräkna tid för bagagehämtning och immigrationsformaliteter.


Vänligen välj timmar.

Please select mins.

  Flygets returdatum
  Flygets avresetid

Ange datum och tid för ditt flygs avgång, som ditt flygbolag har informerat dig om. Tiden för upphämtning kommer beräknas automatiskt med tanke på restiden och den tid som krävs för incheckning på flygplastsen.


Vänligen välj timmar.

Please select mins.

    Civitavecchias hamn Hamntransporter med Shuttle Direct

    Great service

    Mr D B from United Kingdom

    Civitavecchias hamn Port Transfers with Shuttle Direct4.2585%
    Poängsätt från 23 oberoende kommentarer från

    Transporter och fordonstyper

    Oavsett om du föredrar lyxig privat transfer med egen chaufför eller prisvärda alternativ som innebär samåkning till och från flygplatsen, kommer våra vänliga förare köra dig till din dörr med ett leende.

    Privat ekonomisk transfer
    Privat lyxig transfer
    Buss, taxi, shuttle

    Privat transfer med förare

    • Privat hyrbil med förare
    • Dörr till dörr-tjänst
    • Chauffören möter dig personligen
    • Fordon exklusivt för dig

    Samåkning med shuttletjänst

    • Shuttletjänst
    • Samåkning
    • Förbestämd mötesplats
    • Shuttletjänst eller liknande

    Populära destinationer från Civitavecchias hamn

    Civitavecchias hamn till Rom
    Civitavecchias hamn tillRom
    Civitavecchias hamn till Rom - Ciampinos flygplats (CIA)
    Civitavecchias hamn tillRom - Ciampinos flygplats (CIA)
    Civitavecchias hamn till Rom - Fiumicinos flygplats (FCO)
    Civitavecchias hamn tillRom - Fiumicinos flygplats (FCO)
    Civitavecchias hamn till Rome City Centre
    Civitavecchias hamn tillRome City Centre

    Reseförslag från Civitavecchias hamn

    Oberoende återkoppling från verifierade kunder

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Civitavecchias hamn recensioner

    Mrs M from Australia
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    When ever I travel around the world I use shuttle direct. Easy process and efficient. Drivers are always there waiting for you.

    Transport company service

    When ever I travel around the world I use shuttle direct. Easy process and efficient. Drivers are always there waiting for you.

    Mr S from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Maurizio, our driver, stayed over one hour as we dealt with baggage issues. Then he provided us a wonderful explanation of where we were and historical details of Rome as he took us to our hotel in the city center. We are so pleased with our transfer experience.

    Transport company service

    Maurizio, our driver, stayed over one hour as we dealt with baggage issues. Then he provided us a wonderful explanation of where we were and historical details of Rome as he took us to our hotel in the city center. We are so pleased with our transfer experience.

    Mr M from United States
    Civitavecchias hamn - Rom(Shuttle Service)
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    We are sorry to say but with the Pandemic, Covid-19 we were not allowed to go on our long planned trip. I was impressed how you allowed us to cancel and returned our payment via our credit card. You can be sure when this is over we will use your service again Rev. Samuel Lyon

    Transport company service

    We are sorry to say but with the Pandemic, Covid-19 we were not allowed to go on our long planned trip. I was impressed how you allowed us to cancel and returned our payment via our credit card. You can be sure when this is over we will use your service again Rev. Samuel Lyon

    Mr M from Canada
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    All went well

    Transport company service

    All went well

    Mrs M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    On time, safe

    Transport company service

    On time, safe

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Prompt clean and safe would use agay

    Transport company service

    Prompt clean and safe would use agay

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    I confirmed time of disembarkation from cruise ship by email a few days beforehand which was acknowledged immediately. The car met us exactly as planned at cruise terminal and it was a very smooth and quick transfer to airport. The driver was very polite and helpful and helped with the baggage.

    Transport company service

    I confirmed time of disembarkation from cruise ship by email a few days beforehand which was acknowledged immediately. The car met us exactly as planned at cruise terminal and it was a very smooth and quick transfer to airport. The driver was very polite and helpful and helped with the baggage.

    Hr. K from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Der Fahrer war pünktlich da, keine Wartezeit, und sehr gut gefahrenen. War einfach perfekt.

    Transport company service

    Buchung verlief reibungslos.

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    cost less than the cruise line was charging, and a more personable service.

    Transport company service

    cost less than the cruise line was charging, and a more personable service.

    Mr M from Netherlands
    Shuttle Direct booking service


    Transport company service