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  • +-

Du måste välja åtminstone 1 vuxen passagerare.

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Varje passagerare får ta med sig ett standardbagage och ett mindre handbagage (till exempel en handväska eller bärbar dator). Om du har ytterligare bagage, eller extra stort bagage eller sportutrustning, välj från alternativen nedan:

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

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  Datum för upphämtning
  Tid för upphämtning

Vänligen fyll i datum och tid då du skulle vilja bli hämtad


Vänligen välj timmar.

Please select mins.

    Shuttle Direct erbjuder transfer från/till Frigiliana

    Good service and customer care

    Mrs M L from United Kingdom

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Frigiliana4.5591%
    Poängsätt från 7 oberoende kommentarer från

    Transporter och fordonstyper

    Oavsett om du föredrar lyxig privat transfer med egen chaufför eller prisvärda alternativ som innebär samåkning till och från flygplatsen, kommer våra vänliga förare köra dig till din dörr med ett leende.

    Privat transfer med förare

    • Privat hyrbil med förare
    • Dörr till dörr-tjänst
    • Chauffören möter dig personligen
    • Fordon exklusivt för dig

    Samåkning med shuttletjänst

    • Shuttletjänst
    • Samåkning
    • Förbestämd mötesplats
    • Shuttletjänst eller liknande

    Hur man tar sig till Frigiliana, Málaga, Spanien

    Vad är avståndet till Frigiliana från...

    Närmaste flygplats från Frigiliana

    Granadas flygplats (GRX) 45.39 Km
    Málagas flygplats (AGP) 55.03 Km
    Almerías flygplats (LEI) 135.74 Km
    Gibraltars flygplats (GIB) 147.80 Km
    Sevillas flygplats (SVQ) 191.37 Km
    Jerez flygplats (XRY) 193.58 Km

    Närmast hamnar från Frigiliana

    Motril hamn 33.48 Km
    Malagas hamn 47.95 Km
    Almerías hamn 127.20 Km
    Gibraltars hamn 149.22 Km
    Algeciras hamn 156.04 Km
    Tarifa hamn 175.56 Km
    Sevillas hamn 196.87 Km

    Oberoende återkoppling från verifierade kunder

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Frigiliana recensioner

    Mr E from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    I would certainly recommend this company, after arriving in Malaga we were greeted with a warm friendly staff who was there in good time, on our return I had a phone call from staff who was checking out flight details and informed me to be picked up earlier, when I told the staff it was Glasgow/Prestwick and not Glasgow - we actually giggled on this, I thanked her and was most impressed that they took the time to check, highly recommended, as some people we were talking too were let down by the company they had booked through. I also had a texted message from the driver to say he would be there and the time - I am impressed from start to finish and felt confident with this company as I have never used them before but would certainly do so again. Thank you.

    Transport company service

    Money worth spending for peace of mind - never been to Malaga before and could not fault this company for looking after us.

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent no problems

    Transport company service

    Excellent no problems

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent service, very professional, highly recommend!

    Transport company service

    Excellent service, very professional, highly recommend!

    Ms M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent service and your drivers are always very polite . I never book mine or my guests visiting with anyone else Thank you

    Transport company service

    Excellent service and your drivers are always very polite . I never book mine or my guests visiting with anyone else Thank you

    Mr M from Qatar
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Great driver, courteous and knew where he was going.

    Transport company service

    Great driver, courteous and knew where he was going.

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Good service and customer care

    Transport company service

    Good service and customer care

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    1st time we have used this service. My son and I were left waiting around 40 minutes late at night outside Malaga Airport. No contact number for the driver even though when booking it was stated we would have one - the only number on the documentation provided was an office number - phoned several times but no answer. No phone number to contact ShuttleDirect. This led to a lot of anxiety after a long day of travelling. The driver eventually turned up, and from that point on all was fine. They say you find out how good a company is with customer service when you have a problem - this was non-existent. I will not use ShuttleDirect again.

    Transport company service

    1st time we have used this service. My son and I were left waiting around 40 minutes late at night outside Malaga Airport. No contact number for the driver even though when booking it was stated we would have one - the only number on the documentation provided was an office number - phoned several times but no answer. No phone number to contact ShuttleDirect. This led to a lot of anxiety after a long day of travelling. The driver eventually turned up, and from that point on all was fine. They say you find out how good a company is with customer service when you have a problem - this was non-existent. I will not use ShuttleDirect again.