Niskie ceny
Oszczędzaj czas i pieniądze
Nie ma znaczenia, czy wolisz luksusowy, prywatny transfer z osobistym kierowcą, czy dostępny cenowo wspólny autobus z lotniska, nasi przyjaźni kierowcy sprawią, że dotrzesz do domu z uśmiechem na twarzy.
Opinie o Port lotniczy w Meksyku (MEX) Shuttle Direct
Started well, but left us stranded at the hotel and nearly late for our flight, and having to seek alternative arrangements. Really poor service from the third party that transfers were handed off to and no contact details for shuttle direct.
I had to pay for the return again! As the transfer didnt show!
Shuttle was not at the airport. Waited for it and no one showed up. Had to pay for a taxi to my hotel.
Didn’t show up.