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Proszę wybrać przynajmniej 1 dorosłego pasażera.

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Proszę wybrać przynajmniej 1 dorosłego pasażera.

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Dodatkowy bagażGotowe

Każdemu pasażerowi przysługuje prawo do zabrania jednego standardowego bagażu oraz jednego niewielkiego bagażu podręcznego (na przykład torebki lub laptopa). Aby uzyskać możliwość zabrania dodatkowego bagażu, bagażu o bardzo dużych rozmiarach lub sprzętu sportowego, należy wybrać jedną z poniższych opcji:

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Podróż powrotnaGotowe
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    Transfery Shuttle Direct z/do London SW18 Wandsworth

    The service was great! I booked on line, they met us at the airport, the return to airport was just as good. Very prompt, professional service and it was reasonably priced compared to other services. Would definitely use again. Thanks!

    Mr M H from United States

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to London SW18 Wandsworth3.8076%
    Score from 6 independent comments by

    Transfery i rodzaje pojazdów

    Nie ma znaczenia, czy wolisz luksusowy, prywatny transfer z osobistym kierowcą, czy dostępny cenowo wspólny autobus z lotniska, nasi przyjaźni kierowcy sprawią, że dotrzesz do domu z uśmiechem na twarzy.

    Prywatny transfer z kierowcą

    • Prywatny wynajem z kierowcą
    • Usługa "od drzwi do drzwi"
    • Kierowca spotyka się z Tobą osobiście
    • Pojazd wyłącznie dla Ciebie

    Wspólny transfer

    • Transfer autobusowy
    • Wspólny transport
    • Wstępnie zdefiniowane miejsce spotkania
    • Usługa transferu lub podobna

    Niezależne zweryfikowane opinie klientów

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    Opinie o London SW18 Wandsworth Shuttle Direct

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Driver was ready when arrived and the trip was really comfortable

    Transport company service

    Driver was ready when arrived and the trip was really comfortable

    Hr. H from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Der Fahrer hat uns erwartet, war leicht zu finden. Sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Der Shuttlebus war top gepflegt. Bei der Fahrt durch London zum Hotel hat der Fahrer uns bereits einiges zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten erzählt an denen wir vorbei kamen.
    Jederzeit zu empfehlen

    Transport company service

    Guter Preis, gute Leistung

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Very east to use.

    Transport company service

    The service was great! I booked on line, they met us at the airport, the return to airport was just as good. Very prompt, professional service and it was reasonably priced compared to other services. Would definitely use again. Thanks!

    Fr. E from Austria
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Würde diesen Service wieder buchen.
    Bei der Ankunft in London allerdings gab es eine kleine Panne,denn der Fahrer,der auf uns warten sollte war nicht auffindbar!Erst nach einiger Wartezeit,mehrmaligem Auf und Abgehen am Flughafen und Suche !! nach dem Fahrer hat es dann geklappt.

    Transport company service

    Alles super.Bestellung war einfach.Leichte Bedienung.

    Mrs M from Canada
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Driver was very abrupt, rushing us to his car which was parked a distance away. Then he drove very fast in the pouring rain and couldn't wait to get us unloaded. Not a great experience

    Transport company service

    Driver was very abrupt, rushing us to his car which was parked a distance away. Then he drove very fast in the pouring rain and couldn't wait to get us unloaded. Not a great experience

    Sig. A from Italy
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Valutazione servizio : Gli autisti non possono correre come matti e litigare anche con le altre vetture quando hanno passeggeri a bordo e non possono stare a leggere ed inviare messaggi al cellulare mentre guidano.Questi sono i due autisti che mi sono toccati.
    Prodotto : Al ritorno abbiamo rischiato di perdere l'aereo siamo arrivati davanti all'aereoporto solo 40 minuti prima del "decollo".Se a Londra nelle ore di punta c'e' molto traffico ne dovete tener conto anticipando l'ora di pick up sul voucher.Il mio commento purtroppo è negativo al massimo e non lo raccomando a nessuno

    Transport company service

    Valutazione servizio : Gli autisti non possono correre come matti e litigare anche con le altre vetture quando hanno passeggeri a bordo e non possono stare a leggere ed inviare messaggi al cellulare mentre guidano.Questi sono i due autisti che mi sono toccati.
    Prodotto : Al ritorno abbiamo rischiato di perdere l'aereo siamo arrivati davanti all'aereoporto solo 40 minuti prima del "decollo".Se a Londra nelle ore di punta c'e' molto traffico ne dovete tener conto anticipando l'ora di pick up sul voucher.Il mio commento purtroppo è negativo al massimo e non lo raccomando a nessuno