Ukjent avreisested. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom forslåtte resultater.

Ukjent reisemål. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom foreslåtte resultater.

Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

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Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

Vennligst oppgi barnets alder.

Ekstra bagasjeFerdig

Hver passasjer kan ha med seg en standard kolli samt en liten håndbagasje (for eksempel en håndveske eller dataveske). Hvis du har flere eller spesielt store kolli eller sportsutstyr, må du velge mellom alternativene nedenfor:

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  • +-

  • +-

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  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

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  Flyets ankomstdato
  Flyets ankomsttid

Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for flyets ankomst (ikke avgang), slik flyselskapet har informert om. Sjåføren vil ta hensyn til innreiseformaliteter og mottak av bagasje.


Velg timer.

Velg minutter.

  Dato for returfly
  Flyets avgangstid

Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for flyets avgang, slik flyselskapet har informert om. Hentetidspunktet vil bli beregnet automatisk med hensyn til reisetid og innsjekkingstidspunkt på flyplassen.


Velg timer.

Velg minutter.

    Oslo Moss Rygge lufthavn(RYG) Flyplasstransport med Shuttle Direct

    • Lave priser

    • Spar tid og penger

    • Pålitelighet

    • Bekvemmelighet

    Low-Cost Transfers from Oslo Airport

    We’ve got the Oslo Airport transfer that fits your pocket and suits your style. Shuttle Direct is proof that value for money and high service standards go hand-in-hand. Get a quote now and see the difference that we can make to your wallet.

    With a few clicks, you can see a range of our Oslo Airport transfer services. Choose our chauffeur driven private transfer for the quickest and most efficient way of getting to your destination. If you’re looking to cut costs, our shuttle bus service will get you there economically and comfortably. Or share a ride with friends in our shared taxi service! For your peace of mind, all of our vehicles are insured. Whatever package you choose, there are no booking fees or credit card surcharges. Just reliability, value for money, and world-class service standards. What are you waiting for? Book now!

    Flying to Oslo Moss Rygge (RYG) Airport

    Our easy-to-follow instructions are there to guide you from the moment you step onto the floor of Arrivals. Simply follow the directions on your voucher. Never lag behind. Shuttle Direct puts you one step ahead of the pack.

    Privat transport på økonomiklasse
    Privat transport på luksusklasse
    Buss, drosje, skyttelbuss

    Privat transport med sjåfør

    • Privat leie med sjåfør
    • Dør-til-dør-service
    • Sjåføren møter deg personlig
    • Kjøretøy eksklusivt for deg

    Shuttle-tjeneste med delt transport

    • Busstransport
    • Delt transport
    • Forhåndsbestemt møtested
    • Shuttlebuss eller lignende

    Popular Destinations from Oslo Airport

    Norway’s capital city will entertain, educate, and mesmerise you. Every day there is something new to discover. Let this ancient land of legend and modern city of First World amenities welcome you with a warmth to melt the iciest tundra.

    Reiseforslag fra % name %

    Explore the Land of Vikings

    What would a trip to Norway be without paying homage to the Vikings? Visit the Viking Ship Museum and discover the way of life of these tough ancient seafarers. You will be amazed at how these ancient vessels are preserved over time. The city’s Botanical Garden contains a wealth of flora. This green lung was built in the 19th century and houses the Zoological Museum. Here you can marvel at the abundance of animals from all climes and countries, all under one roof. The capital city is most definitely not a “quiet night in” kind of town. Say “Skol”, Norwegian for “cheers”, and have a drink while you take in the thrilling nightlife. There are many pubs, clubs, cafes, and restaurants to enjoy.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What happens if I can’t find my driver at the airport? Step one – don’t panic! Step two – have a look at the voucher that you received when you made your booking. On this voucher, you will find instructions that are tailor-made for you, and specific to the airport that you’re arriving at. These directions will guide you through the terminal straight to where you should meet your driver. Some airports can be disorientating, and if you’re still not having any luck, simply call the local service provider on the number provided on your voucher. He or she will be there in a jiffy to guide you to your speedy Oslo Airport transfer.