Ukjent avreisested. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom forslåtte resultater.

Ukjent reisemål. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom foreslåtte resultater.

Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

  • +-

  • +-

Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

Vennligst oppgi barnets alder.

Ekstra bagasjeFerdig

Hver passasjer kan ha med seg en standard kolli samt en liten håndbagasje (for eksempel en håndveske eller dataveske). Hvis du har flere eller spesielt store kolli eller sportsutstyr, må du velge mellom alternativene nedenfor:

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  Flyets ankomstdato
  Flyets ankomsttid

Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for flyets ankomst (ikke avgang), slik flyselskapet har informert om. Sjåføren vil ta hensyn til innreiseformaliteter og mottak av bagasje.


Velg timer.

Velg minutter.

  Dato for returfly
  Flyets avgangstid

Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for flyets avgang, slik flyselskapet har informert om. Hentetidspunktet vil bli beregnet automatisk med hensyn til reisetid og innsjekkingstidspunkt på flyplassen.


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    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) Flyplasstransport med Shuttle Direct

    Excellent service as usual, courteous and helpful driver, would highly recommend.

    Mr G F from Storbritannia

    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) Airport Transfers with Shuttle Direct4.6092%
    Resultat fra 1296 uavhengige kommentarer fra

    Transport og kjøretøykategorier

    Enten du foretrekker å reise i luksus med privat transport og egen sjåfør, eller du vil ha en rimeligere delt skyttelbuss, vil våre vennlige sjåfører sørge for at du kommer frem dit du skal med et smil.

    Privat transport på økonomiklasse
    Privat transport på luksusklasse
    Buss, drosje, skyttelbuss

    Privat transport med sjåfør

    • Privat leie med sjåfør
    • Dør-til-dør-service
    • Sjåføren møter deg personlig
    • Kjøretøy eksklusivt for deg

    Shuttle-tjeneste med delt transport

    • Busstransport
    • Delt transport
    • Forhåndsbestemt møtested
    • Shuttlebuss eller lignende

    Populære reisemål fra Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE)

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    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) tilCannes
    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) til Genova
    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) tilGenova
    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) til Monaco
    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) tilMonaco
    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) til Savona
    Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) tilSavona

    Reiseforslag fra % name %

    Kundenes tilbakemeldinger, verifisert av en uavhengig tredjepart

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    Shuttle Direct Nice Côte d'Azur internasjonale lufthavn (NCE) anmeldelser

    Ms R from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Our drivers were prompt and arrived early for both our pick up and drop off. Their communication was excellent with regular updates via text and email. The journeys were comfortable and efficient.

    Transport company service

    Our drivers were prompt and arrived early for both our pick up and drop off. Their communication was excellent with regular updates via text and email. The journeys were comfortable and efficient.

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Professional service

    Transport company service

    Professional service

    Mr S from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    The drivers were both ahead of time and kept informed of where they were and the time of arrival. Both our drivers were helpful professional and friendly. Highly recommended.

    Transport company service

    The drivers were both ahead of time and kept informed of where they were and the time of arrival. Both our drivers were helpful professional and friendly. Highly recommended.

    Fr. Y from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Es war wunderbar. Ein toller austausch mit der firma. Man erhält vorher die nummer vom Fahrer, welcher sich sogar persönlich meldet. Ein super ausgestatter Kindersitz und es gab Wasser und Snacks. Vielen Dank für den super Service.

    Transport company service

    Es war wunderbar. Ein toller austausch mit der firma. Man erhält vorher die nummer vom Fahrer, welcher sich sogar persönlich meldet. Ein super ausgestatter Kindersitz und es gab Wasser und Snacks. Vielen Dank für den super Service.

    Mrs A from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Amazing service, punctual and hassle free.

    Transport company service

    Amazing service, punctual and hassle free.

    Mr J from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Really brilliant service absolutely first class

    Transport company service

    Really brilliant service absolutely first class

    Mr J from Denmark
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Very Secure and on time

    Transport company service

    Very Secure and on time

    Mrs K from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    A brilliant experience with shuttledirect’s Jonathon. We were delayed by 2 hrs but he was there as soon as we texted him. Very smart van, water, efficient and friendly approach and he picked us up for our return journey to the airport, accommodating a search for my passport quickly. So helpful and well worth the cost. Kate

    Transport company service

    A brilliant experience with shuttledirect’s Jonathon. We were delayed by 2 hrs but he was there as soon as we texted him. Very smart van, water, efficient and friendly approach and he picked us up for our return journey to the airport, accommodating a search for my passport quickly. So helpful and well worth the cost. Kate

    Mr S from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    I have used Shuttle Direct several times and have always been impressed with the high level of service. Our flight into Nice was late but despite this our driver Giuseppe kept us informed that he was still waiting for us. The journey to and from the airport was hassle free. On the return Giuseppe again was early and got us to the airport in plenty of time.

    Transport company service

    I have used Shuttle Direct several times and have always been impressed with the high level of service. Our flight into Nice was late but despite this our driver Giuseppe kept us informed that he was still waiting for us. The journey to and from the airport was hassle free. On the return Giuseppe again was early and got us to the airport in plenty of time.

    Mr R from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Driver was fantastic

    Transport company service

    Driver was fantastic