Ukjent avreisested. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom forslåtte resultater.

Ukjent reisemål. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom foreslåtte resultater.

Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

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Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

Vennligst oppgi barnets alder.

Ekstra bagasjeFerdig

Hver passasjer kan ha med seg en standard kolli samt en liten håndbagasje (for eksempel en håndveske eller dataveske). Hvis du har flere eller spesielt store kolli eller sportsutstyr, må du velge mellom alternativene nedenfor:

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  • +-

  • +-

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  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

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  Flyets ankomstdato
  Flyets ankomsttid

Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for flyets ankomst (ikke avgang), slik flyselskapet har informert om. Sjåføren vil ta hensyn til innreiseformaliteter og mottak av bagasje.


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  Dato for returfly
  Flyets avgangstid

Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for flyets avgang, slik flyselskapet har informert om. Hentetidspunktet vil bli beregnet automatisk med hensyn til reisetid og innsjekkingstidspunkt på flyplassen.


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    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) Flyplasstransport med Shuttle Direct

    • Lave priser

    • Spar tid og penger

    • Pålitelighet

    • Bekvemmelighet

    Economical Lesvos Airport Transfers

    We offer the best prices in the business. What's more we don't add any sneaky extras when you're not looking. No booking fees and no credit card surcharges. Our prices are fixed and friendly!

    What could be better than knowing you've got a reliable, door-to-door ride when you land? While other people are scrambling for taxis and trying to work out bus schedules, all you need to is make your way to a designated spot to meet your driver. You'll be on the road and heading to the beach in no time! We're focused on providing the best customer service, and that includes taking care of your safety and comfort. The vehicles used for our Lesvos airport transfers are fully insured, clean and regularly maintained. Our drivers are locals and they love their island! They'll get you wherever you need to go in the fastest time, without delays due to inexperience. However you like to travel, whatever you've got to spend, we're here for you. Get in touch to book.

    Landing At Lesvos Mytilene Airport (MJT)

    Island life is easy, breezy and not so squeezy if you book one of our Lesvos airport transfers instead of queuing for taxis or public transport! Leave the hard work to us and sit back and relax.

    Privat transport på økonomiklasse
    Privat transport på luksusklasse
    Buss, drosje, skyttelbuss

    Privat transport med sjåfør

    • Privat leie med sjåfør
    • Dør-til-dør-service
    • Sjåføren møter deg personlig
    • Kjøretøy eksklusivt for deg

    Shuttle-tjeneste med delt transport

    • Busstransport
    • Delt transport
    • Forhåndsbestemt møtested
    • Shuttlebuss eller lignende

    Popular Destinations from Lesvos Mytilene

    Our handy transport services will get you anywhere from the capital Mytilini to destinations all over the island including Mithymna, Sigri, Skala Kallonis, Vatera and Skala Eresou.

    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) til Molivos
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) tilMolivos
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) til Mytilene
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) tilMytilene
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) til Anaxos
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) tilAnaxos
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) til Skala Kallonis
    Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) tilSkala Kallonis

    Soak Up the Island Life

    Renowned for its ouzo production and importance as the birthplace of Sappho, whether you call it Lesvos, Lesbos or Mitilini, there's no doubting its appeal. The beaches are outstanding everywhere, but some of the best are Vatera, Petra and Agios Isidoros. The famous Petrified Forest is a fascinating place where, quite literally, the trees have turned to stone. Lovers of history and ancient architecture are spoilt for choice with the opportunity to explore the medieval Castle of Mytilene, Ipsilou Monastery, the Roman Aqueduct, the Monastery of Limonas and the charming Molyvos Castle. For a more modern taste of the island, just out of Plomari is the World of Ouzo Museum and distillery. Taste testing compulsory!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long will our transfers take from the airport to our accommodation? At the time of your booking you'll see an estimated time to your chosen destination. However, this is to be considered a guide only as we cannot guarantee an exact time frame due to external factors. The local supplier retains the right to decide on the most appropriate route taken at the time of the service, and this might not always be the fastest or via roads that incur a toll.

    Kundenes tilbakemeldinger, verifisert av en uavhengig tredjepart

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    Shuttle Direct Lesbos Mytilene internasjonale lufthavn (MJT) anmeldelser

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    We booked a single vehicle that would be able to transport 4 adults and a 15 month old child. What we got was to 2 taxis that had very limited luggage capacity and very hot and uncomfortable ride. £300 and we could have hired them from the airport cheaper. Rip off

    Transport company service

    We booked a single vehicle that would be able to transport 4 adults and a 15 month old child. What we got was to 2 taxis that had very limited luggage capacity and very hot and uncomfortable ride. £300 and we could have hired them from the airport cheaper. Rip off