Ukjent avreisested. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom forslåtte resultater.

Ukjent reisemål. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom foreslåtte resultater.

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Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

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  • +-

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Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for når du vil hentes


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    Shuttle Direct transport til og fra Solna

    • Lave priser

    • Spar tid og penger

    • Pålitelighet

    • Bekvemmelighet

    Transport og kjøretøykategorier

    Enten du foretrekker å reise i luksus med privat transport og egen sjåfør, eller du vil ha en rimeligere delt skyttelbuss, vil våre vennlige sjåfører sørge for at du kommer frem dit du skal med et smil.

    Privat transport med sjåfør

    • Privat leie med sjåfør
    • Dør-til-dør-service
    • Sjåføren møter deg personlig
    • Kjøretøy eksklusivt for deg

    Shuttle-tjeneste med delt transport

    • Busstransport
    • Delt transport
    • Forhåndsbestemt møtested
    • Shuttlebuss eller lignende

    Slik kommer du deg til Solna, %provins%, %land%

    Hva er avstanden til Solna fra...

    Nærmeste togstasjoner fra Solna

    Stockholms sentralbanestasjon 4.64 Km

    Kundenes tilbakemeldinger, verifisert av en uavhengig tredjepart

    Feefo logo

    Shuttle Direct Solna anmeldelser

    Sr. S from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    El conductor estaba con el cartel tal como se indicó, el coche excelente y amplio. Viaje fue muy agradable y tranquilo

    Transport company service

    El conductor estaba con el cartel tal como se indicó, el coche excelente y amplio. Viaje fue muy agradable y tranquilo

    Hr R from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Service-Bewertung : Problemlose Buchung, gute Abwicklung.
    Produkt : Alles Perfekt. Fahrer waren freundlich , pünktlich und hilfsbereit.

    Transport company service

    Service-Bewertung : Problemlose Buchung, gute Abwicklung.
    Produkt : Alles Perfekt. Fahrer waren freundlich , pünktlich und hilfsbereit.

    Sra M from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Puntuación del servicio : Intuitiva, pero un poco más de información sobre los pagos sería adecuada.
    Producto : Puntual y eficiente.

    Transport company service

    Puntuación del servicio : Intuitiva, pero un poco más de información sobre los pagos sería adecuada.
    Producto : Puntual y eficiente.

    Hr H from Austria
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Service-Bewertung : bestellung hat sehr gut funktioniert
    Produkt : beide transfer, vom flughafen zum und vom hotel zum flughafen haben hervorragend geklappt

    Transport company service

    Service-Bewertung : bestellung hat sehr gut funktioniert
    Produkt : beide transfer, vom flughafen zum und vom hotel zum flughafen haben hervorragend geklappt

    Mr M from Singapore
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    The service was impeccable. When we arrived at the exit, the driver was already waiting for us, and without delay, we got on to the vehicle parked nearby. Driver helped our ladies in the group to carry luggage. Vehicle upkeep was properly done. Interior was clean, with wifi and water provided. Driver was also polite and attempted to start conversations with the group. The only downside of this booking so far is that the price is a little on the high side compared to other transport options. Besides, payment was made in Euro but receipt was issued in SGD, which was the currency used during enquiry at the website. when I wrote in to request for receipt/invoice in Euro which was the currency I paid with, the officer was not able to provide a PDF copy but only in email text form.

    Transport company service

    The service was impeccable. When we arrived at the exit, the driver was already waiting for us, and without delay, we got on to the vehicle parked nearby. Driver helped our ladies in the group to carry luggage. Vehicle upkeep was properly done. Interior was clean, with wifi and water provided. Driver was also polite and attempted to start conversations with the group. The only downside of this booking so far is that the price is a little on the high side compared to other transport options. Besides, payment was made in Euro but receipt was issued in SGD, which was the currency used during enquiry at the website. when I wrote in to request for receipt/invoice in Euro which was the currency I paid with, the officer was not able to provide a PDF copy but only in email text form.

    Sr. j from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service


    Transport company service


    Hr R from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Service-Bewertung : Unkompliziert, einfach + schnell
    Produkt : Preiskalkulation sollte überdacht werden, da Zuschlag zum Taxifestpreis aus meiner Sicht zu hoch!

    Transport company service

    Service-Bewertung : Unkompliziert, einfach + schnell
    Produkt : Preiskalkulation sollte überdacht werden, da Zuschlag zum Taxifestpreis aus meiner Sicht zu hoch!

    Mr T from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    The transfer arrived promptly to pick us up from the airport and to take us back to the airport. I would use the service again and recommend it to others. The only downside was the atmosphere was a little awkward the driver didn't speak or make conversation or even put the radio on. But that could just be down to personal preference.

    Transport company service

    The transfer arrived promptly to pick us up from the airport and to take us back to the airport. I would use the service again and recommend it to others. The only downside was the atmosphere was a little awkward the driver didn't speak or make conversation or even put the radio on. But that could just be down to personal preference.