Ukjent avreisested. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom forslåtte resultater.

Ukjent reisemål. Kontroller verdien og velg mellom foreslåtte resultater.

Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

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Du bør velge minst 1 voksen passasjer.

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Hver passasjer kan ha med seg en standard kolli samt en liten håndbagasje (for eksempel en håndveske eller dataveske). Hvis du har flere eller spesielt store kolli eller sportsutstyr, må du velge mellom alternativene nedenfor:

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-


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Oppgi dato og klokkeslett for når du vil hentes


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    Shuttle Direct transport til og fra Perugia

    Good company, helpful staff.

    Ms C G from Storbritannia

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Perugia4.9098%
    Resultat fra 17 uavhengige kommentarer fra

    Transport og kjøretøykategorier

    Enten du foretrekker å reise i luksus med privat transport og egen sjåfør, eller du vil ha en rimeligere delt skyttelbuss, vil våre vennlige sjåfører sørge for at du kommer frem dit du skal med et smil.

    Privat transport med sjåfør

    • Privat leie med sjåfør
    • Dør-til-dør-service
    • Sjåføren møter deg personlig
    • Kjøretøy eksklusivt for deg

    Shuttle-tjeneste med delt transport

    • Busstransport
    • Delt transport
    • Forhåndsbestemt møtested
    • Shuttlebuss eller lignende

    Slik kommer du deg til Perugia, %provins%, %land%

    Hva er avstanden til Perugia fra...

    Nærmeste havner fra Perugia

    Ancona Port 105.90 Km
    Civitavecchia havn 123.66 Km
    Ravenna havn 148.75 Km
    Livorno fergehavn 175.83 Km

    Kundenes tilbakemeldinger, verifisert av en uavhengig tredjepart

    Feefo logo

    Shuttle Direct Perugia anmeldelser

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Shuttle direct were there waiting. Driver polite and friendly.

    Transport company service

    Shuttle direct were there waiting. Driver polite and friendly.

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Brilliant driver and first class service Already booked for return journey

    Transport company service

    Brilliant driver and first class service Already booked for return journey

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    It was wonderful to exit the airport to find the driver holding up my name ready to take luggage to his comfortable car for the drive to our hotel. He spoke good English and told us a bit about our surroundings on the journey. On arrival at our hotel he helped us find the entrance (which was not obvious) and then carried our two suitcases to Reception before he departed. This made our arrival so smooth and stress-free. I would definitely do this again. Thank you Shuttle Direct.

    Transport company service

    It was wonderful to exit the airport to find the driver holding up my name ready to take luggage to his comfortable car for the drive to our hotel. He spoke good English and told us a bit about our surroundings on the journey. On arrival at our hotel he helped us find the entrance (which was not obvious) and then carried our two suitcases to Reception before he departed. This made our arrival so smooth and stress-free. I would definitely do this again. Thank you Shuttle Direct.

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Nice cars great driver would use the service again

    Transport company service

    Nice cars great driver would use the service again

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Brill service nice drivers

    Transport company service

    Brill service nice drivers

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent service + excellent value = one very satisfied client. Many thanks.

    Transport company service

    Excellent service + excellent value = one very satisfied client. Many thanks.

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Very good service, driver was really friendly and made sure we was comfortable. Would recommend using this service, I will definitely use again.

    Transport company service

    Very good service, driver was really friendly and made sure we was comfortable. Would recommend using this service, I will definitely use again.

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Great service Excellant company

    Transport company service

    Great service Excellant company

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Well worth the money would book again

    Transport company service

    Well worth the money would book again

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Totally smooth. Driver waiting in front of arrivals with sign. Car nearby and comfortable. Nice driver. Worked perfectly.

    Transport company service

    Totally smooth. Driver waiting in front of arrivals with sign. Car nearby and comfortable. Nice driver. Worked perfectly.