Santa Cruz de la Palma Beoordelingen

Gecontroleerde beoordelingen over transfers van echte gasten die vanuit Santa Cruz de la Palma reizen. Onafhankelijke beoordelingen van gecontroleerde klanten. Lees en vergelijk de gecontroleerde meningen en beoordelingen van klanten gebaseerd op echte klanten van transfers van en naar luchthavens.

Boek nu uw transfer van/naar Santa Cruz de la Palma beoordelingen op Feefo beoordelingen op eKomi beoordelingen op Google
Mr B from Denmark
Shuttle Direct booking service

I had ordered the taxi from La Palma SPC 10 / 11-2016 12:30. But could not find the taxi, I asked all taxi drivers, but they did not know the company. Had to pay for a taxi to the hotel cost 14 EURO.

My journey home was OK, the taxi came præsis kl.09.02 to my hotel Kastillete.

Transport company service

I had ordered the taxi from La Palma SPC 10 / 11-2016 12:30. But could not find the taxi, I asked all taxi drivers, but they did not know the company. Had to pay for a taxi to the hotel cost 14 EURO.

My journey home was OK, the taxi came præsis kl.09.02 to my hotel Kastillete.