Onbekende herkomst. Controleer de waarde en kies uit de voorgestelde resultaten

Onbekende bestemming. Controleer de waarde en kies uit de voorgestelde resultaten.

U moet in ieder geval 1 volwassen passagier selecteren.

  • +-

  • +-

U moet in ieder geval 1 volwassen passagier selecteren.

Geef de leeftijd van het kind op.

Extra bagageKlaar

Elke passagier mag een standaard stuk bagage en een klein stuk handbagage (bijvoorbeeld een handtas of laptop) meenemen. Als u meer bagage, extra grote bagage of sportartikelen hebt, kies dan uit een van de onderstaande opties:

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

  • +-

maart 2025

Voer de datum en het tijdstip waarop u wilt worden opgehaald in


Kies uren.

Kies minuten.

maart 2025

Voer de datum en het tijdstip waarop u wilt worden opgehaald in


Kies uren.

Kies minuten.

    Transfers met Shuttle Direct van/naar Lugano

    Mu son is studying in Lugano and always has to pay 280CHF to get to Lugano.
    We were picked up in mercedes and the. In an audii, both cars like new and for half the price!

    Ms M D from Columbia

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Lugano4.5591%
    Score van 42 onafhankelijke opmerkingen door

    Transfers en voertuigtypes

    Het maakt niet uit of u nu de voorkeur geeft aan de luxe van een privétransfer met chauffeur of aan de betaalbare optie van een gedeelde shuttlebus, onze vriendelijke bestuurders zullen ervoor zorgen dat u met een glimlach op uw bestemming wordt afgezet.

    Privétransfer met chauffeur

    • Huur van privévervoer met chauffeur
    • Deur-tot-deurdienst
    • De bestuurder ontmoet u persoonlijk
    • Een voertuig exclusief voor u

    Gedeelde rit Shuttle Service

    • Shuttlebusdienst
    • Gedeelde rit
    • Vooraf bepaalde ontmoetingsplaats
    • Shuttledienst of dergelijke

    Feedback van onafhankelijk gecontroleerde klant

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Lugano Beoordelingen

    Mr M from Ireland
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Pleasant punctual excellent vehicle quality

    Transport company service

    Pleasant punctual excellent vehicle quality

    Mrs M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Very satisfied with their service!

    Transport company service

    Very satisfied with their service!

    Mr M from Australia
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Driver was friendly and very helpful

    Transport company service

    Driver was friendly and very helpful

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent service. Thank you.

    Transport company service

    Excellent service. Thank you.

    Mr M from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Greeted upon arrival at airport, courteous and friendly driver, comfortable and spacious auto, good and safe driver, overall very positive experience

    Transport company service

    Greeted upon arrival at airport, courteous and friendly driver, comfortable and spacious auto, good and safe driver, overall very positive experience

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent - efficient, friendly and very comfortable transfer!

    Transport company service

    Excellent - efficient, friendly and very comfortable transfer!

    Mr T from Philippines
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Driver was waiting outside as I came out, don't have to go around looking for him. Courteous one and helped me with my luggages.

    Transport company service

    Driver was waiting outside as I came out, don't have to go around looking for him. Courteous one and helped me with my luggages.

    Sig. R from Switzerland
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Puntuale, eccellente servizio.

    Transport company service

    Puntuale, eccellente servizio.

    Ms K from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Our luggage was late and we had to call to have the driver come back to the airport as it had been over the hour wait time. When we came out, he was there, smiling, with the sign with our family name on it, and efficiently loaded the luggage into a beautiful clean van. He gave us water to drink, and drove safely and carefully to our destination. I would recommend this service highly.

    Transport company service

    Our luggage was late and we had to call to have the driver come back to the airport as it had been over the hour wait time. When we came out, he was there, smiling, with the sign with our family name on it, and efficiently loaded the luggage into a beautiful clean van. He gave us water to drink, and drove safely and carefully to our destination. I would recommend this service highly.

    Ms M from Colombia
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent relisble service.
    I have used it twice and will use it again.

    Transport company service

    Mu son is studying in Lugano and always has to pay 280CHF to get to Lugano.
    We were picked up in mercedes and the. In an audii, both cars like new and for half the price!