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Anna noutopäivämäärä ja -aika


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Anna noutopäivämäärä ja -aika


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    Shuttle Directin kuljetukset kohteesta/kohteeseen Theologos

    Excellent taxi service from the airport to the hotel and only €3 more than a coach!

    Mr L S from United Kingdom

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Theologos4.5090%
    Score from 10 independent comments by

    Kuljetukset ja ajoneuvotyypit

    Ei ole väliä, haluatko ylellisyyttä yksityisellä kuljettajalla tai jaetun lentokenttäkuljetuksen, ystävälliset kuljettajamme varmistavat, että vievät sinut kotiovellesi hymyillen.

    Yksityinen kuljetus kuljettajineen

    • Yksityinen vuokraus kuljettajineen
    • Ovelta ovelle palvelu
    • Kuljettaja tapaa sinut henkilökohtaisesti
    • Ajoneuvo ainoastaan sinulle

    Jaettu matka Shuttle-palvelussa

    • Shuttle-bussipalvelu
    • Jaettu matka
    • Ennaltamääritetty kohtaamispaikka
    • Shuttle-palvelu tai samanlainen

    Kuinka päästä kohteeseen Theologos, Rhodes, Kreikka

    Etäisyys on kohteeseen Theologos kohteesta...

    Riippumaton vahvistettu asiakaspalaute

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Theologos Arvostelut

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Imediate pick up at destination within 30 mins of landing

    Transport company service

    Imediate pick up at destination within 30 mins of landing

    Hr M from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Service-Bewertung : Unkompliziert
    Produkt : Pünktlich und schnell

    Transport company service

    Service-Bewertung : Unkompliziert
    Produkt : Pünktlich und schnell

    Sig.r n from Italy
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Valutazione servizio : Servizio eccelente
    Prodotto : Servizio eccelente

    Transport company service

    Valutazione servizio : Servizio eccelente
    Prodotto : Servizio eccelente

    Fru A from Sweden
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Servicebedömning : perfekt
    Produkt : perfekt

    Transport company service

    Servicebedömning : perfekt
    Produkt : perfekt

    Mr L from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Couldn't be any easier, great site and easy to use

    Transport company service

    Excellent taxi service from the airport to the hotel and only €3 more than a coach!

    Mr J from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent service.

    Transport company service

    On time excellent value for money.

    Fr. E from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Service-Bewertung : Alles hat bestens geklappt
    Produkt : Pünktlich war der Fahrer morgens sieben Uhr am Hotel

    Transport company service

    Service-Bewertung : Alles hat bestens geklappt
    Produkt : Pünktlich war der Fahrer morgens sieben Uhr am Hotel

    Mw. J from Netherlands
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Servicescore : Goed

    Transport company service

    Goede chauffeur

    Ms T from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    easy enough to use

    Transport company service

    Had private taxi transfer as was not too far from hotel,arrived in rhodes to find no taxi .took 20 mins too sort out .... On a better note taxi back to airport was on time and driver very polite ..

    Ms V from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    I arrived at Rhodes at 6am and there was meant to be someone to meet me. On arrival there was no one there waiting for me I called the number given for emergencies only and no one answered, after 10 mins of trying to get hold of someone a taxi man approached me and said he has been asked to collect me as shuttle direct couldn't

    Transport company service

    I arrived at Rhodes at 6am and there was meant to be someone to meet me. On arrival there was no one there waiting for me I called the number given for emergencies only and no one answered, after 10 mins of trying to get hold of someone a taxi man approached me and said he has been asked to collect me as shuttle direct couldn't