Tuntematon lähtöpiste. Tarkista arvo ja valitse annetuista vaihtoehdoista.

Tuntematon kohde. Tarkista arvo ja valitse annetuista vaihtoehdoista.

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Maaliskuu 2025

Anna noutopäivämäärä ja -aika


Valitse tunnit.

Valitse minuutit.

Maaliskuu 2025

Anna noutopäivämäärä ja -aika


Valitse tunnit.

Valitse minuutit.

    Shuttle Directin kuljetukset kohteesta/kohteeseen Lörrach

    • Alhainen

    • Säästä rahaa ja aikaa

    • Luotettavuus

    • Mukavuus

    Kuljetukset ja ajoneuvotyypit

    Ei ole väliä, haluatko ylellisyyttä yksityisellä kuljettajalla tai jaetun lentokenttäkuljetuksen, ystävälliset kuljettajamme varmistavat, että vievät sinut kotiovellesi hymyillen.

    Yksityinen kuljetus kuljettajineen

    • Yksityinen vuokraus kuljettajineen
    • Ovelta ovelle palvelu
    • Kuljettaja tapaa sinut henkilökohtaisesti
    • Ajoneuvo ainoastaan sinulle

    Jaettu matka Shuttle-palvelussa

    • Shuttle-bussipalvelu
    • Jaettu matka
    • Ennaltamääritetty kohtaamispaikka
    • Shuttle-palvelu tai samanlainen

    Kuinka päästä kohteeseen Lörrach, Baden-Wurttemberg Region, Saksa

    Etäisyys on kohteeseen Lörrach kohteesta...

    Nearest train stations from Lörrach

    Cluses rautatieasema 191.35 Km

    Nearest ports from Lörrach

    Baselin risteilylaiturit 6.67 Km

    Riippumaton vahvistettu asiakaspalaute

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Lörrach Arvostelut

    Mr A from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    The website and the information required were easily accessible. The booking process was without problems and the confirmation and instructions received by email were good.

    Transport company service

    The arrival of the flight from Manchester to Basel on December 11 was on time. Contrary to the information and instructions provided, there was no driver waiting on the Swiss side of the arrivals hall with the name of the passenger. After waiting for approximately 15 minutes and a phone call, the passenger was assured that the driver would arrive within 10 - 15 minutes. Following a further wait of 30 minutes and another telephone call, the driver finally arrived, waiting for the passenger outside the arrivals hall. This delay of one hour caused considerable inconvenience.
    The return journey on 13 December was equally inefficient. According to the information received, the passenger was due to be picked up from Loerrach to Basel Airport at 18.00 h for a flight leaving after 21.30 h. The passenger telephoned to delay the pick up by 45 minutes, but the driver had allegedly not checked the messages on his mobile and turned up at the original time. Again causing serious problems for the passenger.
    As a frequent flyer, often having to rely on airport transport, the passenger confirmed that this was the worst service he ever experienced and it was totally unacceptable.
    On expressing his dissatisfaction to the contact at Shuttle Direct , it was confirmed that the person who made the arrangements was entitled to a 50% discount and it is hoped that the company will honour this agreement.
    Could the company please advise how it intends to make this payment.