London SW7 Knightsbridge Reviews

Verified transfer reviews from real guests travelling from London SW7 Knightsbridge. Independent reviews from verified customers. Read and compare verified customer opinions and ratings based on true Airport Transfer clients.

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Sr. D from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Servicio Perfecto

Transport company service

Servicio Perfecto

Hr. J from Germany
Shuttle Direct booking service

Es hat alles einwandfrei geklappt,der Fahrer war zuverlässig und sehr freundlich.

Transport company service

Alles reibungslosen verlaufen

Mr M from Italy
Shuttle Direct booking service

Although our flight was 3 hours delayed and arriving in the middle of the night, the driver was right there when we came out and he was absolutely friendly and professional.

Transport company service

Although our flight was 3 hours delayed and arriving in the middle of the night, the driver was right there when we came out and he was absolutely friendly and professional.

Ms M from Canada
Shuttle Direct booking service

Our experience was perfect. However , our plane was on time arriving , but the driver had to wait a little over an hour while we waited in line at customs ! Per haps send the driver later when picking up international passengers. It takes a long time to get through customs.

Transport company service

Our experience was perfect. However , our plane was on time arriving , but the driver had to wait a little over an hour while we waited in line at customs ! Per haps send the driver later when picking up international passengers. It takes a long time to get through customs.

Mr N from United Kingdom
Shuttle Direct booking service

great service which we will use again

Transport company service

great service which we will use again

Sr S from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Puntuación del servicio : Web clara y sencilla de utilizar
Producto : Puntualidad y buen servicio

Transport company service

Puntuación del servicio : Web clara y sencilla de utilizar
Producto : Puntualidad y buen servicio

Herr M from Sweden
Shuttle Direct booking service

Servicebedömning : Snabb och tillförlitlig service
Produkt : Använd det här utrymmet för att berätta för oss vad du tycker

Transport company service

Servicebedömning : Snabb och tillförlitlig service
Produkt : Använd det här utrymmet för att berätta för oss vad du tycker

Ms K from United States
Shuttle Direct booking service

Very easy to book.

Transport company service

Driver was prompt and professional.

Sra M from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Puntuación del servicio : MUY ÁGIL Y SENCILLA.

Transport company service

Puntuación del servicio : MUY ÁGIL Y SENCILLA.

Sig. A from Italy
Shuttle Direct booking service

Valutazione servizio : Ottimo servizio e rapporto qualità-prezzo
Prodotto : Puntuale e confortevole

Transport company service

Valutazione servizio : Ottimo servizio e rapporto qualità-prezzo
Prodotto : Puntuale e confortevole

Sra R from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Puntuación del servicio : EXCELENTE SERVICIO

Transport company service

Puntuación del servicio : EXCELENTE SERVICIO

Sra C from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Puntuales, excelente comunicación

Transport company service

Puntuales, excelente comunicación

Mr R from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service


Transport company service


Sig. D from Italy
Shuttle Direct booking service

Servizio puntuale, personale riservato e gentile

Transport company service

Sito di facile di facile comprensione

Sra p from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

al ir el chofer no estaba esperandonos y nos toco llamar por telefono, nos pidio dinero para el parking (no nos habian informado que el parking lo pagaban a parte los clientes) y sabiendo que eramos 6 personas con maletas pequeñas no tenia ni los asientos preparados ni el coche tenia suficiente espacio asi que fuimos con las maletas encima.
la vuelta perfecta: coche grande y ya estaba esperandonos incluso antes de la hora acordad

Transport company service

al ir el chofer no estaba esperandonos y nos toco llamar por telefono, nos pidio dinero para el parking (no nos habian informado que el parking lo pagaban a parte los clientes) y sabiendo que eramos 6 personas con maletas pequeñas no tenia ni los asientos preparados ni el coche tenia suficiente espacio asi que fuimos con las maletas encima.
la vuelta perfecta: coche grande y ya estaba esperandonos incluso antes de la hora acordad

Sr F from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Me parece interesante tener información sobre posibles cortes de tráfico en la ciudad que corresponda para informar al usuario de que se pueden producir posibles retrasos en sus traslado

Transport company service

Me parece interesante tener información sobre posibles cortes de tráfico en la ciudad que corresponda para informar al usuario de que se pueden producir posibles retrasos en sus traslado

Sra J from Spain
Shuttle Direct booking service

Puntuación del servicio : es correcta pero deberia poder tener un telefono de contacto en español
Producto : perfecto, super puntuales

Transport company service

Puntuación del servicio : es correcta pero deberia poder tener un telefono de contacto en español
Producto : perfecto, super puntuales

Ms J from Singapore
Shuttle Direct booking service

Smooth booking.

Transport company service

The driver has waited despite our flight delay. He is polite and helpful.

Mr V from Russia
Shuttle Direct booking service


Transport company service