How to get to Algoz, Province of Algarve, Portugal
What is the distance to Algoz from...
Nearest airports from Algoz | |
Faro Airport (FAO) | 33.39 Km |
Lisbon Airport (LIS) | 193.71 Km |
Nearest train stations from Algoz | |
Albufeira Ferreiras Railway Station | 7.32 Km |
Lagos railway station | 33.18 Km |
Lisboa Santa Apolonia railway station | 186.85 Km |
Lisboa Gare do Oriente railway station | 191.56 Km |
Nearest ports from Algoz | |
Port of Portimão | 19.87 Km |
Port of Huelva | 126.62 Km |
Port of Lisboa | 186.71 Km |
Port of Bahía de Cadiz | 192.73 Km |
Found green bus shuttles outside faro airport , booked in promptly and was away in half an hour. Arrived at destination on time. Friendly servicer.
Mr A E from United Kingdom