How to get to Capua, Campania, Italy
What is the distance to Capua from...
Nearest airports from Capua | |
Naples Airport (NAP) | 25.98 Km |
Rome Ciampino Airport (CIA) | 155.74 Km |
Rome Fiumicino Airport (FCO) | 180.06 Km |
Nearest train stations from Capua | |
Napoli Centrale railway station | 28.51 Km |
Naples Mergellina Railway Station | 30.45 Km |
Campi Flegrei Railway Station | 31.47 Km |
Rome Tuscolana Railway Station | 164.94 Km |
Rome Tiburtina Railway Station | 166.22 Km |
Rome Ostiense Railway Station | 167.36 Km |
Rome Termini Rail Station | 167.54 Km |
Nearest ports from Capua | |
Port of Naples | 30.19 Km |