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Sie sollten mindestens einen erwachsenen Passagier hinzufügen.

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Sie sollten mindestens einen erwachsenen Passagier hinzufügen.

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Zusätzliches GepäckFertig

Jeder Passagier kann ein standardmäßiges Gepäckstück und ein kleines Handgepäckstück (zum Beispiel eine Handtasche oder einen Laptop) mitnehmen. Sollten Sie zusätzliches oder besonders großes Gepäck oder eine Sportausrüstung haben, wählen Sie bitte aus den folgenden Optionen aus:

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März 2025

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März 2025

Bitte geben Sie das Datum und die Uhrzeit ein, zu der Sie abgeholt werden möchten


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    Shuttle Direct Transfers von/zu Eindhoven

    The driver was very friendly and assisted us with our luggage.

    Mr D R from Vereinigtes Königreich

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Eindhoven3.4068%
    Ergebnis aus 9 unabhängigen Kommentaren von

    Transfers und Fahrzeuge

    Ganz gleich, ob Sie den Luxus eines privaten Transfers und einem privaten Fahrer genießen wollen oder einen günstigen Shuttlebus bevorzugen: Sie können sich auf unsere Dienstleistung verlassen. Unsere Fahrer bringen Sie schnell, sicher und auf äußerst befriedigende Weise zu Ihrem gewünschten Zielort.

    Ein Privater Transfer mit Fahrer

    • Ein Privater Transfer mit einem Fahrer
    • Ein Fahrzeug nur für Sie
    • Ein Service, der Sie direkt zu Ihrer Unterkunft bringt
    • Der Fahrer trifft Sie persönlich

    Mitfahrgelegenheit in einem Shuttlebus

    • Ein geräumiger Bus
    • Ein Transfer, den Sie mit anderen Passagieren teilen
    • Ein vorher festgelegter Treffpunkt
    • Ein bequemer Shuttle-Service

    Anreise nach Eindhoven, North Brabant, Niederlande

    Entfernung nach Eindhoven von...

    Unabhängiges verifiziertes Kunden-Feedback

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Eindhoven Bewertungen

    Mr D from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Booking was easy to do, and choice of airports is very good, prices are very competitive, will use the service again

    Transport company service

    The driver was very friendly and assisted us with our luggage.

    Mr B from United States
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Website very easy to use

    Transport company service

    excellent service
    Punctual & friendly driver
    Very satisfied

    Mr C from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Very straightforward

    Transport company service

    Great service

    Mr f from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Excellent, iam very much satisfied.and the price copared to others was very good.

    Transport company service

    every thing was excellent and smooth.

    Sra. A from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Disponibilidad y eficiencia

    Transport company service

    Calidad del servicio y precio del mismo

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Quick and a lovely drive.

    Transport company service

    Quick and a lovely drive.

    Sra N from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Puntuación del servicio : Deberían d poner un teléfono d contacto en España, q funcionase también los fines d semana.
    Producto : Nuestro avión aterrizó y nadie nos esperaba para trasladarnos a nuestro hotel, tuvimos q llamar nosotros a la agencia para ver q estaba sucediendo, desde luego pensamos q quizás pueda haber sido algo puntual pero nada agradable y más cuando viajas con tres niños.
    El día d la recogida para nuestro regreso a España, el conductor fue puntual.

    Transport company service

    Puntuación del servicio : Deberían d poner un teléfono d contacto en España, q funcionase también los fines d semana.
    Producto : Nuestro avión aterrizó y nadie nos esperaba para trasladarnos a nuestro hotel, tuvimos q llamar nosotros a la agencia para ver q estaba sucediendo, desde luego pensamos q quizás pueda haber sido algo puntual pero nada agradable y más cuando viajas con tres niños.
    El día d la recogida para nuestro regreso a España, el conductor fue puntual.

    Mr B from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    OK, but why in these electronic days do you need to print a voucher.

    Transport company service

    We were not met at the airport arrivals as expected, I had to ring the local agent and then wait 30 minutes for the taxi to arrive. When the taxi finally arrived the transfer was good, a nice vehicle and helpful driver, but the whole point of booking was to save time and hassle on arrival. I think that I would have been better off just getting a taxi or taking the bus.

    Ms M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Booking and making amendments to the booking were done efficiently and quickly.

    Transport company service

    Driver was not there, when we rang, the person said he would send someone and it will take them 15mins. I told him that someone was so suppose to be here already and he said 'that did not work for them'. The whole point of booking a taxi in advance is so that you wait for us, not the other way round. When booking, you are told to make sure flight number is correct, so that it can be tracked and driver can be there when you arrive. It does not say call when you land. We landed at 2055 as expected and did not get picked up till 2150, almost an hour after landing and 20mins waiting for a driver. This is the first time I have had to wait for a booked taxi. When driver turned up he had no sign and we had to come outside to find him. On our return, we had a 10min wait and had to ring to find out where the taxi was.

    Sig. F from Italy
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Valutazione servizio : Siamo stati lasciati soli all'aeroporto, senza che si sia presentato alcun autista. Dopo vari tentativi di metterci in contatto telefonicamente ci è stato risposto che una macchina sarebbe venuta a prelevarci dopo 35 o 40 minuti. Siamo stati costretti a prendere un taxi per arrivare entro le 23 in albergo pena il pagamento di una penale, anche se in albergo ci siamo arrivati all'incirca a mezzanotte. Pertanto chiedo il rimborso della somma versata on line ed il rimborso di € 50,00 per spese taxi. Pertanto l'azienda si è rivelata poco seria e ne parlerò male agli amici che si recheranno ad Endhoven
    Prodotto : Pessimo servizio e pessimi collaboratori

    Transport company service

    Valutazione servizio : Siamo stati lasciati soli all'aeroporto, senza che si sia presentato alcun autista. Dopo vari tentativi di metterci in contatto telefonicamente ci è stato risposto che una macchina sarebbe venuta a prelevarci dopo 35 o 40 minuti. Siamo stati costretti a prendere un taxi per arrivare entro le 23 in albergo pena il pagamento di una penale, anche se in albergo ci siamo arrivati all'incirca a mezzanotte. Pertanto chiedo il rimborso della somma versata on line ed il rimborso di € 50,00 per spese taxi. Pertanto l'azienda si è rivelata poco seria e ne parlerò male agli amici che si recheranno ad Endhoven
    Prodotto : Pessimo servizio e pessimi collaboratori