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Sie sollten mindestens einen erwachsenen Passagier hinzufügen.

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Zusätzliches GepäckFertig

Jeder Passagier kann ein standardmäßiges Gepäckstück und ein kleines Handgepäckstück (zum Beispiel eine Handtasche oder einen Laptop) mitnehmen. Sollten Sie zusätzliches oder besonders großes Gepäck oder eine Sportausrüstung haben, wählen Sie bitte aus den folgenden Optionen aus:

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März 2025

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Bitte geben Sie das Datum und die Uhrzeit ein, zu der Sie abgeholt werden möchten


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    Shuttle Direct Transfers von/zu Agios Gordios

    • Günstige Preise

    • Zeit- und Geldsparend

    • Zuverlässigkeit

    • Bequemlichkeit

    Transfers und Fahrzeuge

    Ganz gleich, ob Sie den Luxus eines privaten Transfers und einem privaten Fahrer genießen wollen oder einen günstigen Shuttlebus bevorzugen: Sie können sich auf unsere Dienstleistung verlassen. Unsere Fahrer bringen Sie schnell, sicher und auf äußerst befriedigende Weise zu Ihrem gewünschten Zielort.

    Ein Privater Transfer mit Fahrer

    • Ein Privater Transfer mit einem Fahrer
    • Ein Fahrzeug nur für Sie
    • Ein Service, der Sie direkt zu Ihrer Unterkunft bringt
    • Der Fahrer trifft Sie persönlich

    Mitfahrgelegenheit in einem Shuttlebus

    • Ein geräumiger Bus
    • Ein Transfer, den Sie mit anderen Passagieren teilen
    • Ein vorher festgelegter Treffpunkt
    • Ein bequemer Shuttle-Service

    Anreise nach Agios Gordios, Corfu, Griechenland

    Entfernung nach Agios Gordios von...

    Nächstgelegene Flughäfen von Agios Gordios

    Flughafen Korfu (CFU) 8.73 Km
    Flughafen Lefkada (PVK) 104.71 Km
    Flughafen Kastoria (KSO) 157.20 Km
    Flughafen Kefalonia (EFL) 168.56 Km

    Unabhängiges verifiziertes Kunden-Feedback

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Agios Gordios Bewertungen

    Mr. E from Belgium
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Wij hebben al enkele keren gebruik gemaakt van Shuttledirect en zijn telkens heel
    erg tevreden qua stiptheid en vriendelijkheid.
    Wij hebben nog nooit problemen gehad

    Transport company service

    Wij hebben al enkele keren gebruik gemaakt van Shuttledirect en zijn telkens heel
    erg tevreden qua stiptheid en vriendelijkheid.
    Wij hebben nog nooit problemen gehad

    Herr J from Sweden
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Vi har använt Shuttledirect många gånger och det har alltid fungerat bra!
    Vi är nöjda med den service vi fått på många resmål. Ska boka en till transfers för höstens resa 😎

    Transport company service

    Vi har använt Shuttledirect många gånger och det har alltid fungerat bra!
    Vi är nöjda med den service vi fått på många resmål. Ska boka en till transfers för höstens resa 😎

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Reliable, we use this company every time and there always on time, drivers very pleasant with careful driving would recommend all day long 😊

    Transport company service

    Reliable, we use this company every time and there always on time, drivers very pleasant with careful driving would recommend all day long 😊

    Mr S from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    It was my first time using this company however my partner had used before and said to use.

    Even though our flight was delayed by 1hr 30mins the driver was stood outside with my name on a screen waiting for us, took our bags and got us into the minibus, even though it was a shuttle we had it all to ourselves so felt like it was a private transfer! The driver was great, I asked where to get transport from if we wanted to go into Corfu town and he told me all the different ways, things to do and places to see. Got us safely and quickly to our hotel.

    On the return, the driver was outside the hotel bang on the time that was told to us, yet again got us to the airport quickly and safely happily engaging in conversation even if English was not a strong language for him.

    I would highly highly recommend this company to use wherever you go as their work ethic is fantastic, really great to talk to and happy to help best they can with any queries or questions!! 11/10

    Transport company service

    It was my first time using this company however my partner had used before and said to use.

    Even though our flight was delayed by 1hr 30mins the driver was stood outside with my name on a screen waiting for us, took our bags and got us into the minibus, even though it was a shuttle we had it all to ourselves so felt like it was a private transfer! The driver was great, I asked where to get transport from if we wanted to go into Corfu town and he told me all the different ways, things to do and places to see. Got us safely and quickly to our hotel.

    On the return, the driver was outside the hotel bang on the time that was told to us, yet again got us to the airport quickly and safely happily engaging in conversation even if English was not a strong language for him.

    I would highly highly recommend this company to use wherever you go as their work ethic is fantastic, really great to talk to and happy to help best they can with any queries or questions!! 11/10

    Mr P from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Friendly efficient staff met us at the stand situated just outside Corfu airport, after a short wait we were taken to our accommodation, on the return journey we were informed by email of the collection time. The transport arrived on time and got us to the airport. Great friendly staff , efficient service all at a reasonable price.

    Transport company service

    Friendly efficient staff met us at the stand situated just outside Corfu airport, after a short wait we were taken to our accommodation, on the return journey we were informed by email of the collection time. The transport arrived on time and got us to the airport. Great friendly staff , efficient service all at a reasonable price.

    Mr J from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Corfu airport was a bit manic but your representative booked us in swiftly , we had to wait 15 mins for another couple to arrive before we left, but the transfer was well organised

    Transport company service

    Corfu airport was a bit manic but your representative booked us in swiftly , we had to wait 15 mins for another couple to arrive before we left, but the transfer was well organised

    Mr J from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    We booked shuttle bus,so we expected its gonna be a shared one but alas we had private car instead the driver was very friendly and he even stop us in one of the view spot to take 📸 picture,and the price is affordable compared to taxi or private service,so I booked again for the returned,all in all is good experienced,I will defo recommend shuttle direct.😊

    Transport company service

    We booked shuttle bus,so we expected its gonna be a shared one but alas we had private car instead the driver was very friendly and he even stop us in one of the view spot to take 📸 picture,and the price is affordable compared to taxi or private service,so I booked again for the returned,all in all is good experienced,I will defo recommend shuttle direct.😊

    Fru A from Sweden
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Trots att vårt plan var 1,5 timme försenat fanns dom kvar på flygplatsen och körde oss till resmålet.
    Service medvetna.

    Transport company service

    Bra service. Egen bil. Kör direkt till resmålet.

    Mrs Г from Belarus
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Супер! Быстро, удобно, комфортно!

    Transport company service

    Супер! Быстро, удобно, комфортно!

    Ms M from Lithuania
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Laukė beveik 2 val, nes vėlavo skrydis, saugu, paslaugų, mandagumo!

    Transport company service

    Laukė beveik 2 val, nes vėlavo skrydis, saugu, paslaugų, mandagumo!

    Agios Gordios Reiseführer