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März 2025

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März 2025

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    Shuttle Direct Transfers von/zu Santa Eulalia


    Ms G C from Vereinigtes Königreich

    Shuttle Direct Transfers from/to Santa Eulalia4.4088%
    Ergebnis aus 261 unabhängigen Kommentaren von

    Transfers und Fahrzeuge

    Ganz gleich, ob Sie den Luxus eines privaten Transfers und einem privaten Fahrer genießen wollen oder einen günstigen Shuttlebus bevorzugen: Sie können sich auf unsere Dienstleistung verlassen. Unsere Fahrer bringen Sie schnell, sicher und auf äußerst befriedigende Weise zu Ihrem gewünschten Zielort.

    Ein Privater Transfer mit Fahrer

    • Ein Privater Transfer mit einem Fahrer
    • Ein Fahrzeug nur für Sie
    • Ein Service, der Sie direkt zu Ihrer Unterkunft bringt
    • Der Fahrer trifft Sie persönlich

    Mitfahrgelegenheit in einem Shuttlebus

    • Ein geräumiger Bus
    • Ein Transfer, den Sie mit anderen Passagieren teilen
    • Ein vorher festgelegter Treffpunkt
    • Ein bequemer Shuttle-Service

    Anreise nach Santa Eulalia, Ibiza Island, Spanien

    Entfernung nach Santa Eulalia von...

    Nächstgelegene Flughäfen von Santa Eulalia

    Flughafen Ibiza (IBZ) 18.45 Km
    Flughafen Palma de Mallorca (PMI) 119.82 Km
    Flughafen Valencia (VLC) 181.85 Km
    Flughafen Castellón (CDT) 184.81 Km

    Nächstgelegene Bahnhöfe von Santa Eulalia

    Bahnhof Valencia 173.14 Km
    Bahnhof Castellón de la Plana 176.03 Km
    Bahnhof Alicante 189.98 Km

    Unabhängiges verifiziertes Kunden-Feedback

    Feefo logo

    ShuttleDirect Santa Eulalia Bewertungen

    Mr T from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Alles Super, transfer war pünktlich beim Rücktrasport und die Wartezeit bei Ankunft kurz.

    Transport company service

    Alles Super, transfer war pünktlich beim Rücktrasport und die Wartezeit bei Ankunft kurz.

    Mrs K from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    The driver was waiting for us on arrival and was very polite and helped with our luggage. The driver that picked us up at the hotel for the return journey was on time, polite and loaded our luggage with care. They were both careful drivers and I would highly recommend Shuttle Direct for your transfers. I will definitely use them again.

    Transport company service

    The driver was waiting for us on arrival and was very polite and helped with our luggage. The driver that picked us up at the hotel for the return journey was on time, polite and loaded our luggage with care. They were both careful drivers and I would highly recommend Shuttle Direct for your transfers. I will definitely use them again.

    Mr J from Ireland
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    We were not expecting a private luxury car with leather seats . Both drivers were very pleasant but the secont driver was very funny and made the jurney so enjoyable . Both cars were there on time . I would highly recommend this company and i have no hesitateing useing them again. Apart from useing the bus they were the most economic in ibiza thank you and see you next time

    Transport company service

    We were not expecting a private luxury car with leather seats . Both drivers were very pleasant but the secont driver was very funny and made the jurney so enjoyable . Both cars were there on time . I would highly recommend this company and i have no hesitateing useing them again. Apart from useing the bus they were the most economic in ibiza thank you and see you next time

    Mr M from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    No problems from payment to completion of journey all information was given on how to catch the bus was easily understood. Only waited 15 mins.
    Most definitely use again.
    Seasonal travelers

    Transport company service

    No problems from payment to completion of journey all information was given on how to catch the bus was easily understood. Only waited 15 mins.
    Most definitely use again.
    Seasonal travelers

    Mrs J from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    It was really good, thank you!!

    Transport company service

    It was really good, thank you!!

    Mr D from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    The driver was already waiting for us at our arrival. We had a complete bus just for us, so no waiting for other people to arrive and no stops on our way to the hotel! And all this for a very good price

    Transport company service

    The driver was already waiting for us at our arrival. We had a complete bus just for us, so no waiting for other people to arrive and no stops on our way to the hotel! And all this for a very good price

    Mr T from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    We’ve used shuttle direct in Ibiza five times now and they have always been completely reliable: on time, no messing about and with quality vehicles. Always a reasonable price too. This year was no different!

    Transport company service

    We’ve used shuttle direct in Ibiza five times now and they have always been completely reliable: on time, no messing about and with quality vehicles. Always a reasonable price too. This year was no different!

    Sr. R from Spain
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Puntualidad, amabilidad y excelente limpieza del vehiculo.

    Transport company service

    Puntualidad, amabilidad y excelente limpieza del vehiculo.

    Hr. W from Germany
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Hat alles super funktioniert. Kurze Wartezeit im klimatisierten Bus am Flughafen.

    Transport company service

    Hat alles super funktioniert. Kurze Wartezeit im klimatisierten Bus am Flughafen.

    Mrs K from United Kingdom
    Shuttle Direct booking service

    Easy booking, driver there upon arrival, fantastic bus for us and a direct quick transfer. What more could you want? Thank you.

    Transport company service

    Easy booking, driver there upon arrival, fantastic bus for us and a direct quick transfer. What more could you want? Thank you.

    Santa Eulalia Reiseführer

    Bringen Sie Ihre Strand Hasen nach Santa Eulalia

    Bringen Sie Ihre Strand Hasen nach Santa Eulalia
    Die Kosten für einen Familienurlaub, können schnell außer Kontrolle geraten. Wenn Sie jedoch bedenken, dass Sonne, Meer und Sand, völlig kostenlos zu genießen sind, Sie bloß genug Geld für Sonnencreme und ein paar Eis, anstatt kostspielige Aktivitäten benötigen, wird Ihnen schnell klar, dass ein Strand Urlaub, eine Familien- und Budgetfreundlichste Art der Entspannung ist! Die Kinder können Sandburgen bauen, Spiele spielen und im Ozean paddeln, während Mama und Papa die dringend benötigte Ruhe, in der Sonne genießen.