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Ganz gleich, ob Sie den Luxus eines privaten Transfers und einem privaten Fahrer genießen wollen oder einen günstigen Shuttlebus bevorzugen: Sie können sich auf unsere Dienstleistung verlassen. Unsere Fahrer bringen Sie schnell, sicher und auf äußerst befriedigende Weise zu Ihrem gewünschten Zielort.
ShuttleDirect Hafen Reykjavik Bewertungen
zuverlässig, pünktlich, immer wieder gerne
zuverlässig, pünktlich, immer wieder gerne
We asked for a shuttle to pick us up from the cruise port at 9.30 am. There was no sign of the mini van that we ordered. Called (turns out to be Grayline) and was told in 10 minutes and then 5 minutes. We were the only ones waiting for our pick up. Finally a nice young man showed up at 9.40 am and said he was just asked by dispatch to come. We were standing out in the cold rainy weather from 9.00 am onwards. Lessons learned: would have been faster to just take one of the numerous taxis at the port. Would have been cheaper. Do not expect the ride to show up before your time. We travel a lot and usually the car/taxi is waiting for you before your designated time.
We asked for a shuttle to pick us up from the cruise port at 9.30 am. There was no sign of the mini van that we ordered. Called (turns out to be Grayline) and was told in 10 minutes and then 5 minutes. We were the only ones waiting for our pick up. Finally a nice young man showed up at 9.40 am and said he was just asked by dispatch to come. We were standing out in the cold rainy weather from 9.00 am onwards. Lessons learned: would have been faster to just take one of the numerous taxis at the port. Would have been cheaper. Do not expect the ride to show up before your time. We travel a lot and usually the car/taxi is waiting for you before your designated time.
A 5 -10 minute transfer from the cruise ship terminal cost $118?? We stayed at the 101 Hotel which is walking distance from the port
A 5 -10 minute transfer from the cruise ship terminal cost $118?? We stayed at the 101 Hotel which is walking distance from the port