
Expand Your Norse Knowledge with These Surprising Scandinavian Facts

When I stumbled across this fascinating infographic from Late Rooms, I was intrigued by all the random Norse knowledge I acquired – who’da thunk Denmark tradition states you should gift a pepper shaker to anyone who is 30 and still unmarried? If you’re like me and looking to increase your chances of winning at trivia, read on. From eternal nights to wife carrying competitions, these Scandinavian facts are sure to surprise you. Inventions in Sweden Some of the best inventions

The Best Breakfasts, Part IV: Norway

Given Norway’s designation as “The Happiest Place on Earth”, you might expect great things from their first meal of the day and, as usual, they do not disappoint! Traditional Norwegian breakfasts are an adventure for your taste buds, allowing you to prepare for a day of exploration. No matter what part of Norway you have chosen to visit, you will probably encounter one or two of the traditional morning dishes listed below. As part of your holiday, challenge yourself to


Country Profile: Norway

Introduction The dramatic glacial terrain of Norway is the pinnacle of Nature’s handiwork. In this impossibly beautiful environment, time and tide have carved a country out of deep fjords, commanding mountains and ragged coastlines to create a truly extraordinary landscape. At the same time, the elegant touch of the aesthetically driven Scandinavian culture has forged a sophisticated, cosmopolitan heart, imbued in the spirit of its art, architecture and people. Renowned as one of the most beautiful countries in the world, from the icy fjords and high altitude ice fields to the cosmopolitan, uber-cool energy of its progressive capital, Oslo, a

